Did Duke Ellington play in Montreux?

After two years of disruption linked to the global health crisis, the Montreux Jazz Festival has regained the brilliance of its prestigious programming. Since July 1, 2022, the biggest stars of “L’Épopée des Musiques Noires” have twinkled on the shores of Lake Geneva in Switzerland. John Legend, Gregory Porter, Michael Kiwanuka, the Black Pumas, Diana Ross, among others, punctuated this first week of festivities. John McLaughlin, Jeff Beck and Herbie Hancock, in particular, will offer a majestic final bouquet.

If the big names continue to perfect the notoriety of this fifty-year-old summer event, the desire to renew the audience and to embrace the spirit of the times is more and more evident. Thus, the free stages welcome more young talents whose musicality reflects the aspirations of festival-goers. The jazz spirit is still there, but related music now occupies a significant space. Every day, workshops, meetings, jam-sessions, punctuate this hectic fortnight with an undeniable eclectic requirement. Mathieu Jaton, the current project manager, has pushed even further the intention instilled by the late founder of the festival, Claude Nobs. The initial idea was to sniff out trends and requests from the public. This guideline is still and, more than ever, a relevant marker in 2022 in Montreux.

The young British singer Yola, on July 4, 2022 at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland.

In search of diversity and novelty, the Montreux Jazz Festival offers this year a wide choice of events that punctuate the daily lives of visitors. Film sessions highlight the famous archives preserved since 1967. Young and old alike can discover or rediscover the legends of yesteryear, from Miles Davis to Ella Fitzgerald. Each screening is presented by an enlightened amateur whose fervor and enthusiasm legitimize this highlighting of concerts of yesteryear. The American conductor, John Axelrod, for example, was invited to come and talk about the performance of singer Robert Plant in Montreux in 2014, of which he has vivid memories. Although he evolves in the world of classical music, the maestro wanted to demonstrate that cultural bridges are possible, necessary and welcome. Rock, Jazz, Classic, whatever the name as long as the authenticity remains.

Pierre-Philippe Cadert consults the bible of all jazz lovers, the memoirs of Duke Ellington.

For this 2022 edition, the Swiss public can also take refuge in a library where authors, literary critics and specialists in “L’Épopée des Musiques Noires” comment on highly recommended works. Pierre-Philippe Cadert, our counterpart from Swiss radio, the 1st, was particularly interested in the biographical work of Duke Ellington, Music is my Mistress, whose main chapters he revitalized as the novel of a life entirely dedicated to music. One question, however, remained unanswered. Did Duke Ellington play in Montreux? Is there a sound document attesting to his presence in Switzerland before 1974, the year of his disappearance? We interviewed our guests and conducted the investigation.

The Montreux Jazz Festival lives up to its multidisciplinary tradition. The small and the big story come together harmoniously on the notes of yesterday and today…

⇒ The website of Montreux Jazz Festival.

The historic Montreux Jazz Festival in tune with the younger generation.
