demonstrations and counter-demonstrations around women’s rights

demonstrations and counter demonstrations around womens rights

Thousands of women demonstrated on Wednesday March 8 in Pakistan for International Women’s Day. In several large cities of the country, the authorities tried to block these marches called “Aurat” and sources of strong tensions. Counter-protests have been organized by members of ultra-conservative religious organizations and parties that demand the preservation of Islamic values.

With our correspondent in Islamabad,Sonia Ghezali

We do not accept women’s march chanted some sixty men in the heart of Islamabad. Almost as many police officers armed with long sticks surround the group in which there are two women in black abayas, their faces covered by a niqab.

I am for women’s rights, but within the limits of Islam, one of them said. These feminists have the slogan “our body our choice”, but it is not right. It is our body and God’s choice. It is so, because God created us. If they want these freedoms they demand, then they must not say they are Muslims. »

► To listen also: DAfghan women in search of freedom pay dearly the price of exile in Pakistan

An increasingly difficult situation for women

In a parallel street, the women’s march brings together a few hundred women of all ages in colorful traditional outfits. Tahira Abdullah, a human rights defender and feminist, carries a sign that reads the slogan “my body my choice”, which she defends.

What should it be then? My body, your choice? My body, my father’s choice? My body, my husband’s choice? My body, my brother’s choice? My body, my son’s choice? My body, the Prime Minister’s choice? My body, the choice of the president of Pakistan? Who owns it? My body, my choice! »

The situation continues to worsen for women in Pakistan, denounces the activist in the middle of containers and barbed wire installed by the police around feminists so that they do not walk in the capital.

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