David Batra on the Christmas celebration: “An infected debate”

David Batra on the Christmas celebration An infected debate

This year’s Christmas host David Batra have a fond relationship with Christmas Eve. In an interview, he tells us that Christmas is both important and fun for him. But for The Express he tells us that he and his wife Anna Kinberg Batra have different traditions during Christmas Eve.

“The most Swedish Indian you can raise”

For David Batra, Christmas has always been traditionally Swedish and he describes his father, who is of Indian descent, as “the most Swedish Indian you can raise”.

– He likes Jansson and herring. And when I cook Indian during Christmas, not on Christmas Eve because then we celebrate traditionally Swedish, he constantly complains that they are too strong and that I used too many spices, Batra tells Expressen.

Since getting married and starting a family, Batra says he and his wife celebrate differently, which has given rise to an “infected debate”.

“This year I’m completely outside and avoid it all”

– We have had an infected debate within the family for many years. Throughout Anna’s upbringing, it has been the case that the guests came and had a Christmas lunch and then watched “Donald Duck” and Christmas hosts. Whereas I, on the other hand, grew up with people coming to 3pm and watching “Kalle” and then eating afterwards.

David Batra, who is this year’s Christmas host, says that he celebrates differently, and is happy to avoid discussions about how the Batra family will celebrate Christmas this year.

– It’s almost a little embarrassing, but this has been a big discussion in our family over the years. This year I’m completely outside and avoid it all.

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