Dangerous move from Russia! They ‘intimidated’ Japan… The exercise started in that region

Dangerous move from Russia They intimidated Japan The exercise started

Russia, which upset the balances all over the world with its war against Ukraine, has now almost intimidated Japan with the exercise it started from the east of the country.

While the eyes of the world were locked on Ukraine due to the Russian invasion, a step came from Moscow to increase the tension in Japan. Russia has reportedly started military exercises in the region, which includes the Kuril Islands, which Japan calls the Northern Territory and claims rights over. In the statement made by the Russian Ministry of Defense, it was noted that 3 thousand soldiers, including artillery units, carried out the exercise under the scenario of an enemy landing, while it was also stated that state-of-the-art unmanned aerial vehicles were used for reconnaissance activities and anti-tank missile launch procedures were applied.


In the news in the Japanese press, the fact that the exercise came after Russia suspended the post-World War II peace treaty negotiations with Japan was interpreted as “intimidation to Tokyo”. Last week, Moscow took a surprising step by announcing that peace treaty negotiations would be suspended. In the statement made by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it was stated that the decision was due to Japan’s “unilateral and unfriendly restrictions in relations regarding the Ukraine situation”, and that “under these conditions, it is not possible to negotiate on the signing of a document that is important for both countries.”


Russia had annexed 4 islands, which are part of the Kuril Islands, which Japan called the Northern Territories, in the last days of World War II. Japan had stipulated the return of the islands to them for the signing of the unsigned peace treaty at the end of World War II. After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Japan joined the western world in sanctions, targeting Russia, and it was a matter of curiosity how the developments would affect Russia-Japan relations.
