Crowdfunding BPER, all projects will be co-financed by the Bank

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(Finance) – All the projects selected under the tender of crowdfundingThe future at your fingertips”, launched by BPER Bank to support initiatives of an educational and social nature proposed by the realities of the Third Sector and aimed at children aged 3 to 19, have achieved their goal. The 5 associations have in fact collected 30% of the pre-established economic budget thanks to the network of their supporters and will thus be able to receive the contribution from BPER Banca for the remaining 70%, up to a maximum of 15,000 euros each.

The co-financing of the Bank will affect the projects of innovation social candidates in 2022 on the BPER Banca di Produzioni dal Basso network – the first Italian crowdfunding and social innovation platform – reaching active realities in various territories where the Institute is present: ranging from initiatives related to the development ofpersonal identity and social relations through artistic and craft activities, as in the case of the “Other Directions” project, promoted by the Caritas Senigallia Onlus Foundationwhich develops in the territory of Montemarciano (AN), to projects aimed at combating educational poverty, such as “You make me girarrrr – the ecological virtual tour of Affori”, conceived by the Minima Theatralia Association of Milan.

And again: a Trentcountryside “Euphoria Circus Festival” of the Prodigio OdV Association proposes to create a circus festival within the evocative setting of Monte Bondone and in full respect of the mountain environment, actively involving young people – some of whom with disabilities – in the organization of the event. Children between the ages of 3 and 9 are instead the beneficiaries of the “La BorgoFavola Potentina” project, promoted by the Latte Amore e Fantasia Social Promotion Association of Potenza to create an illustrated book with the direct and participatory involvement of the little ones. “GO Giovani In Onda 2.0” is the initiative created by Hobbit, the San Benedetto del Tronto Social Cooperative, which will involve 200 teenagers giving voice to their ideals through the recording of podcasts dedicated to various current issues.

The President of BPER Banca, Flavia Mazzarella, declared: “BPER Banca, close to the Third Sector with numerous charitable and commercial actions, through crowdfunding intends to recognize the social function of non-profit entities committed to the development of activities of general interest aimed at the common good. Even the projects in this edition of The future at hand have an important value for the territories, we can’t wait to see the associations at work to achieve the sustainability objectives indicated”.
