creation of a court for the repression of economic crimes

creation of a court for the repression of economic crimes

Guinea is setting up a Court for the Repression of Economic and Financial Crimes (CRIEF) with the objective of combating financial crime, in particular the embezzlement of public funds. This CRIEF will have a key role in a country rich in resources but among the poorest, in terms of per capita income.

With our correspondent in Conakry, Mokhtar Bah

This Court of repression is a criminal justice system, at first and second degree, which aims to hear economic and financial offenses: ” The embezzlement of public funds, these economic and financial offenses are within the competence of CRIEF. These are offenses equal to or greater than one billion [de francs guinéens]. CRIEF will also hear questions on corruption, money laundering, offenses relating to business law. », Underlines the Minister of Justice.

Master Mohamed Traoré believes that it is a rupture operated by the CNRD: ” The creation of this Court marks the desire not to leave unpunished the economic scandals that the press reports every day. President Alpha Condé did not have this desire to fight against economic crimes. Rather, he turns it into a means of blackmailing adversaries, agents of the State. “.

This jurisdiction can pin any Guinean citizen ” precisely because no one is above the law and I think that each of us, all the people who hold public office are accountable. Everyone must be accountable to the country for their management », Specifies Ousmane Kaba, political leader.

Read also: Guinea: a complaint for corruption targets a relative of President Condé in France

For the opponent Sidya Touré, it is ” a beginning of control and moralization of public management, a pledge of shared prosperity “.

