Crashing towards BRA after canceled flight: “Couldn’t reach”

There will be criticism of the airline BRA for canceled departures and the customer service’s short opening hours. Catarina Forsgren had her plane tickets rebooked just a few hours before departure and was then unable to reach customer service.
– Of course, it has happened before that flights have been rescheduled or cancelled, but then you have had an opportunity to get in touch with someone at the airline and you have been able to discuss your way to a solution that works for both parties, she tells TV4 Nyheterna.

But that was not the case in this case because Catarina Forsgren did not get hold of the airline BRA when the tickets she booked for her son were changed to other flights from other airports as late as 20 hours later.

– The worst thing was that they could not be reached. “During the summer, when there are so many travelers out and about, only having a contact time between ten and twelve is completely unimaginable,” she says.

BRA: Extremely regrettable

Martin Erkenborn, sales manager at BRA, says that in recent weeks they have had a number of different settings which unfortunately affected holidaymakers. He also says that it is regrettable that travelers had to stand in a telephone queue to get help with their journeys, but still did not receive an answer.

– It is of course extremely regrettable if customers feel that it is difficult to get hold of us, but in general it is the case that we take responsibility for getting you to your final destination, he says.

– Our team that works with these changes is in place until we ensure that everyone has arrived.

Avoids BRA as long as the problems persist

For Catarina Forsgren’s son, the trips were longer than usual this time. The flight from Bromma to Skåne had to go via a stop in Visby on Gotland, and the return trip was together with some friends in their car all the way from Skåne up to Bromma airport where the son parked his car.

– Now we have decided the whole family, and everyone we know, not to go with BRA as long as they have these problems. My son still goes up and down a bit because he works, but now he takes the car instead, she says.
