Counter-Strike 2 System Requirements

Counter Strike 2 System Requirements

Not sure if your computer can run Counter-Strike? Counter Strike 2 system requirements will be as in our article.

After the announcement of Counter-Strike 2, the gaming community went wild. Gamers are wondering if their computers can run the new game as it uses the Source 2 engine and has many improvements. Counter Strike 2 system requirements below.

Counter-Strike 2 System Requirements

Although the Limited Test started today, the game is still a few months away. Valve has not released any official information regarding the game’s system requirements, although many features have yet to be made public. However, when we consider the Source 2 engine, we can see the following system requirements.

Expected minimum requirements:

  • Operating System: 64-bit Windows 10.
  • Processor: AMD FX-6300 or Intel Core i5-2500K
  • Memory: 8GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7850
  • version 11 of DirectX
  • Network: A high-speed Internet connection
  • 50GB of storage

How did Source 2 affect the minimum requirements for Dota 2?

Previously, Dota 2’s Dota 2 Reborn update introduced the move from Source 1 to Source 2. Performance has improved in many cases thanks to the Source 2 engine’s much superior codebase.

Source 2 is designed to work with a variety of hardware. Dota 2 in Source 2 performs better on older laptops, while improving performance on modern desktops as well. While Source 2 is designed to push the limits of modern machines, Dota 2 may not demand all the resources of a powerful machine.

So despite the extensive graphics overhaul, top-notch VFX, Smoke physics and minor CS:GO skin changes. Most computers from the last decade will have no problem running Counter-Strike.

Our anticipated Counter-Strike 2 System Requirements content will be updated with further information to come. For this reason, be sure to check the page again.

more information SteamYou can get it from There are also many explanations about beta testing on the page.
