“Office buttocks”, how can we avoid this phenomenon which increasingly affects teleworkers?

Office buttocks how can we avoid this phenomenon which increasingly

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    Do you have a sedentary job that requires you to sit? A nutritionist warns about the health consequences of the office butt phenomenon. We’ll explain!

    Plump behinds are increasingly being replaced by flat buttocks. But unlike “brazilian butt”, this is not a trend. This phenomenon is rather the result of the increase in sedentary lifestyle in our daily lives. Indeed, faced with an ever more sedentary lifestyle, our buttocks are slowly flattening, to the detriment of sculpted glutes.

    In the British magazine The Mirror, nutritionist Annabelle Smith warns of this unprecedented phenomenon which, in addition to being unsightly, would also have risks for the health of workers.

    The consequences of a poor diet and a lack of sporting activity

    For the nutritionist, “the increase in sedentary lifestyle in our society is a major factor in flat buttocks”. She explains in the British daily that “not having an active life outside of work and a lack of exercise (often combined with a poor diet) will lead to even the most beautiful of posteriors turning into flat, limp buttocks”.

    Contrary to popular belief, the practice of teleworking is not necessarily a direct cause of the phenomenon. Indeed, the expert affirms that it is more the fault of the lack of physical activity than the time spent working seated.

    What are the risks of “office butt”?

    Although this term is fun, it actually hides real risks for workers’ health. Indeed, people who suffer from this phenomenon generally feel weakness or numbness in the upper gluteal muscles. This can range from a simple “embarrassed” with pain comparable to that of sciatica.

    But how to fight against “office butt” and find a firm posterior? According to a report from the National Health Security Agency (ANSES) published in 2022, the best way is simply to practice regular physical activity, especially if you are part of 95% of French people. “exposed to a risk of deterioration of health due to lack of physical activity or too long time spent sitting”.

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    Slide: Yoga in the office: 6 exercises to feel good at work with the Yogist method
