Contaminated Nutella: “no salmonella” reassures Ferrero

Contaminated Nutella no salmonella reassures Ferrero

After the scandal of Kinder products being recalled due to salmonella, Ferrero had to respond to consumers concerned about seeing white bubbles on the surface of their Nutella spread.

Another bad publicity for Ferrero? After the recall of batches of Kinder chocolates contaminated with salmonellosisit’s the turn of the spread Nutella to be the center of concern. Consumers have noticed small white bubbles on the surface of their pot of chocolate-hazelnut paste. They shared the photos on social networks to challenge the group Ferrero. the nutella is not, however, one of the recalled products by Ferrero implicated in the salmonellosis epidemic.

“These traces are not linked to salmonella colonies”

“VSThe traces are not related to “salmonella colonies”, but it is a change in the consistency of the product due to storage conditions. This in no way affects the quality and taste of the product. wanted to reassure Ferrero directly in response to the publications of Internet users and customers of the brand. The group also clarified Figaro April 19 that “cis a known phenomenon in the industry called ‘granini‘. This corresponds to small balls of oil which are formed as a result of temperature variations. Appearance has no bearing on remaining product completely edible and in no way alters its taste.
