Comment: You can’t get this anywhere else! Huhkaji’s charm day made the stadium almost shake

Comment You cant get this anywhere else Huhkajis charm day

Finland took an important step towards the European Championships. Huuhkajat took an even bigger step in how to turn palpable anticipation into victory, writes Urheilu’s Samu Saatsi.

The tension that had been palpable all week erupted in a scream.

Huuhkajat served the crowded Olympic Stadium audience something to shout about very many times. Finland defeated Slovenia 2–0 Joel Pohjanpalon and by Oliver Antman with full hits, rose to the top of the group at least for a while and leapt towards the European Championship place.

During the week, Finnish players’ comments included a little excitement and a lot of anticipation. The latter turned into an asset.

Midfielder Rasmus Schuller on the eve of the match, that Huuhkajat plans to turn the high expectations of the players and spectators into energy and fighting strength on the field.

You could see them too, but especially in the first 25 minutes, Finland dominated Slovenia also with the ball. Almost every pass, cross or change of half ended up from one Finnish player to the other’s foot.

Instead, the home crowd guaranteed energy and dominance in the stands. The full Olympic Stadium almost shook when the Finns sang the Huuhkaji towards Germany, led by the fan stand Pohjoiskaartee. The few Slovenians who were enjoying themselves in the main stand and in the south arch hardly made a sound.

Hellepäivä caressed the Finnish football nation, but in the end so did the Huuhkajats. Slovenia was dangerous at times, but it didn’t become more dangerous than a hit on the post.

What was experienced at the Olympic Stadium was a step for Huuhkaji towards the much-desired second competition place, but also a demonstration Markku Kanervan of the team’s ability to fulfill big expectations.

It must also be sweet to play the best game of the qualifiers so far in front of a full home crowd, after all the waiting.

Outside the field, the big celebration of Finnish football was visible on people’s faces at the end of the match. When “Rive” Kanerva shouted at the stadium, when Huuhkajat thanked Pohjoikaarretti and when “Oi Suomi on” shouts went around Töölö, there was an atmosphere that cannot be found anywhere else in Finland.

At the moment, the Finnish men’s national football team’s matches are easily the best in terms of atmosphere that the country has to offer, at least in terms of national teams. On a European scale, especially the fan stand Pohjoikaarre is quite exceptional, which also makes the match atmosphere unique.

There was one more anniversary for Finnish football. It’s quite easy to build the current popularity and phenomenon on this foundation, the foundation of which has already been laid in the days when Huuhkajat was at the bottom of your container.

For the San Marino match, fans, you should wear shopping pants. Monday’s game may soon be sold out. According to the Finnish Football Association, more than 28,000 tickets had been sold before the Slovenia game.

will show the fight between Finland and San Marino live on TV2 and Areena. The broadcast starts on Monday evening at 18:15.

What thoughts does the story evoke? You can discuss the topic until Saturday evening, June 17. until 11 p.m. Tunnus is required for commenting.
