Cold snaps can crack the pipes in the summer house

Cold snaps can crack the pipes in the summer house

Published: Less than 10 min ago

fullscreen When the temperature starts to drop to eight to ten degrees below zero, the risk of water-filled pipes freezing and bursting increases. Archive image. Photo: Tony Gutierrez/AP/TT

The cold weather that affected large parts of the country can sour the Christmas celebration in the holiday home if the pipes burst in the cold.

– It is possible that people will have an awakening at Christmas when they turn on the heat in their holiday homes, says Malte Rungård, building technology advisor at the interest organization Villaägarna.

When the temperature starts to drop to eight to ten degrees below zero, the risk of water-filled pipes freezing increases. As the frozen water expands, the pipes can burst.

This means a particular risk for holiday homes, which are often chilled during the winter. What the situation looks like this year, however, is difficult to say as the cracks are usually only discovered when you visit the cabin in connection with the holiday celebrations or in the spring when the cabin is heated again, notes Malte Rungård.

It can be extra boring if severe cold has come and gone at the same time as the uninhabited house’s water system has been under pressure. Then large amounts of water may have been squeezed out without anyone noticing it for a long time.

All houses can be affected

Even pipes in larger residential buildings can freeze if, for example, you have water pipes that are too close to the outer wall. The accident can also occur if you are away for a shorter period of time and the electricity in the house is cut off.

TT: What should be done to avoid pipes bursting?

– If you cool your holiday home, you should turn off the water and preferably blow the water lines with compressed air. Then you should put environmentally friendly antifreeze in the water locks, such as in floor drains, toilets and kitchens, says Malte Rungård.

Minimizes damage

If you suspect that the pipes have frozen during the winter, you can also minimize the damage before spring and the ice plug will loosen.

– The main rule is that you then have the water turned off so that the damage does not become greater than necessary.

However, the cold has loosened its grip in several parts of the country. In both Götaland and Svealand there have been plus degrees this week. But ahead of Christmas Eve, clear and cold weather is expected again in large parts of the country, according to SMHI.


So that the pipes do not freeze

Remove hoses, keys and nozzles from the outdoor water faucet.

Turn off the main faucet and drain all pipes, pumps and water heaters.

Empty water traps and pour antifreeze liquid into discos, wash basins, floor drains and toilet seats.

Washing and dishwashers and the like must also be emptied.

If you use the house during the winter, leave the heat at 15 degrees.

Even if the cabin is heated over the winter, a power outage can cause the lines to freeze if they are not drained.

Sources: Länsförsäkringar and Folksam

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