Cocaine residues in the Riksdag’s toilets: “Absolutely sick”

Four Riksdag parties had traces of cocaine in their chancellery toilets in the Riksdag or party premises, according to a test that Aftonbladet commissioned.

Absolutely sick, says KD leader Ebba Busch.

The parties concerned say the tracks may have been left by casual visitors.

Aftonbladet did the tests at the parties’ Riksdag chancelleries in connection with interviews. The tests were done at all Riksdag chancelleries except the Moderates’, where tests were instead done at the party premises.

Surfaces were wiped with so-called cocaine wipes, which are colored if they catch the drug. The newspaper then had the napkins that tested positive for cocaine tested in a laboratory.

– In all the samples we received, we found cocaine, says Anders Helander, hospital chemist and researcher at the Karolinska Institutet and the person who did the tests, to Aftonbladet.

“Don’t Do Drugs”

The parties whose samples showed cocaine are the Liberals, the Social Democrats, the Sweden Democrats and the Left Party. The parties comment in terms of “looking at this seriously” and “surprised”, but point out that the toilets may have been used by visitors to the respective party offices.

– It’s a toilet that many people can use, but you shouldn’t do drugs, is the simple message, says Liberal party leader Johan Pehrson to TT.

The Liberals tell Aftonbladet that the party must carry out its own tests, the Social Democrats and the Sweden Democrats must contact the Riksdag administration and the Left Party must contact the chief protection officer.

SD leader Jimmie Åkesson opens for drug tests in the Riksdag.

– I don’t know what the law says about the possibility of doing it, but I think it would be perfectly reasonable to do it in this workplace just like everyone else.

Police informed

Ebba Busch says that she is appalled by the news and that the Riksdag is a workplace that should be drug-free.

– It has a very strong symbolic value if drug freedom is not maintained in a place that also affects Sweden’s highest decision-making assembly, she says.

The Riksdag administration also takes the information seriously and cooperates with the police in the case.

– We have of course reacted – it is of course not acceptable with what can be assumed to be criminal activity in the Riksdag’s premises, says the Riksdag’s head of security Niklas Åström to TT.
