City offers residents free, low-cost activities

City offers residents free low cost activities

Brantford residents are invited to participate in a variety of free and low-cost activities throughout June.

Yoga, pickleball, darts and swimming are among the activities being offered to celebrate Recreation and Parks and Seniors’ Month.

Activities will be available from June 3 to 30, with a full list of programs and details

“I’m pleased to see staff offer a wide variety of recreational programming as we know staying active can play a significant role in building stronger communities, fostering physical and emotional well-being, and creating safe places for play and fitness,” said Mayor Kevin Davis.

“In an effort to ensure everyone has the opportunity to access recreation and try new and fun activities, there is free programming for individuals of all ages throughout the city.”

Kids aged seven to 12 can participate in Splash and Fun, which includes games and activities in the gym at the Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre, followed by a swim in the pool.

Kids aged four to 12 can enjoy time with friends at Kids Night Out, which includes staff-led crafts, games and sports. There are also Toonie swims, and drop-in sports, such as basketball and pickleball.

Free fitness classes are available, including yoga, pool fitness and Dancelift. Free activities geared to older adults include carpet bowling, darts, euchre and pickleball.

“Our parks team is working hard every day to make sure our parks and playgrounds are in good shape for everyone to enjoy,” said Rick Cox, director of parks and facilities services. “We’ve recently opened up our refurbished pickleball and tennis courts at the Steve Brown Sports Complex for drop-in play, and the Rotary Bike Park is now open.”

The City of Brantford recognizes June as Seniors’ Month with a free expanded version of the Healthy Aging Passport geared to older adults.

The passports are available for those aged 55 and over for free activities from June 1 to Sept. 15. Passports can be picked up at the customer service desk at Brantford City Hall, 58 Dalhousie St.; Beckett Recreation Center, 219 Colborne St.; Wayne Gretzky Sports Center, 254 North Park St.; and all City of Brantford community centres.

Brantford Transit is celebrating Seniors’ Month by offering free rides to those aged 50 and over from June 1 to 30 from 9 am to 3 pm any day of the week. Photo ID must be presented.


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