Christmas tree: beware of fire risks

Christmas tree beware of fire risks

A very dry tree, a roaring fire, candles and light garlands: the explosive cocktail to promote a fire. Follow our advice to avoid a dramatic accident during the holiday season.

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A domestic fire breaks out every two minutes in France. During the holidays, the risk is even higher because of Christmas decorations. It only takes 60 seconds for a Christmas tree go up in smoke! These few tips should avoid the worst.

  • Place the fir away from any source of heat (lamp, fireplace, stove …) and stabilize its foot well. The tree must not obstruct the passage either, in case it is necessary to evacuate the room quickly in the event of a fire.
  • A very dry fir becomes highly flammable. When purchasing, choose a freshly cut fir tree and, if possible, keep its base in a damp container (earth or sand watered regularly, for example). No need to make it last too long after the holidays: the longer it stays in place, the drier it gets.
  • Fir trees flocked with frosted or artificial snow, and artificial trees are even more flammable than natural trees. We must therefore redouble our precaution.
  • Keep pets and young children away from the tree, which could knock over the tree or drop flaming objects.
  • Place the candles on a stable support and away from materials flammable (curtains, cushions, carpet, fir …). Be careful of hot wax that could run on a paper tablecloth. Extinguish candles as soon as you leave the premises and do not leave children alone in a room with candles burning.

As can be seen in this video, a Christmas tree can ignite within seconds due to a short circuit and cause a general fire. © SDIS 29, YouTube.

  • Fairy lights: prefer LED lighting that heats up less and reduces your consumption. Banish paper garlands and sparklers that make sparkles.
  • Buy bulbs compatible and carefully check the condition of the garland: a bare wire or an unscrewed socket may cause a short circuit and ignite the tree.
  • Do not leave the fairy lights on for many hours without a break and turn them off when you leave the room or apartment to avoid overheating. A temperature of 250 ° C to 300 ° C is sufficient to trigger the fire.
  • Check your smoke detector (Daaf), compulsory in all apartments and houses. This detector should preferably be located in the room where the tree is installed.
  • In case of fire, immediately call 15. If a short circuit is the cause of the fire, turn off the power before attempting to extinguish it. If the room fills with smoke, leave the area and close the doors to limit the risk of propagation.

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