Chris Hemsworth’s bare butt distracts from hidden Loki Easter Egg in new Thor 4 trailer

Chris Hemsworths bare butt distracts from hidden Loki Easter Egg

In the new Thor 4: Love and Thunder trailer, Marvel fans have many new insights get into the upcoming MCU blockbuster. These include, for example, finally first impressions of Christian Bale as the villain Gorr, the slayer of the gods.

At the end of the new Thor 4 trailer comes the best gag, if Chris Hemsworth’s bare bottom (pixelated) being exposed by Russell Crowe’s Zeus. In the very brief moment of the divine behind, however, a Loki Easter Egg was also hidden, which you may have missed.

You can watch the new Thor 4 trailer here:

Thor: Love and Thunder – Trailer (English) HD

Naked Thor reveals a Loki tattoo in new trailer

If you look closely in the scene at the end of the Thor 4 trailer, and especially not just at the bare buttocks of the thunder god, you will see a tattoo with a familiar pattern on his back. After the death of his brother in Avengers 3: Infinity War, Thor obviously changed Loki style horns get stung.

Although it’s hard to tell in the brief moment, according to the comic book, the Marvel hero still has between his shoulders in addition to his horns “RIP Loki” get tattooed.

One cool and touching tribute to the trickster god killed by Thanos, whom Thor had previously reconciled with in Thor 3: Day of Decision. And who then returned again in Avengers 4: Endgame and his own series on Disney+.

More specifically on the tattoo on Thor’s back or other parts of his body, MCU fans can get from the July 6th watch. Then Thor 4: Love and Thunder will start in our cinemas.

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Did you recognize the back tattoo in the new Thor 4 trailer?
