“China should not support a system that is going to be armed” – experts do not believe in China’s arms aid to Russia

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

China has been in contact with Russia even in the midst of Ukraine’s war. The economic giant is now balancing between Russia and the West.

17.3. 21:39 • Updated March 17 22:32

China now faces three options, says professor of Chinese society and culture at the University of Lapland Matti Nojonen.

According to Nojonen, the first option is for China to provide the armed assistance that Russia needs. At the same time, China runs the risk of being subjected to various economic sanctions.

– I think the pearl board in Beijing will crumble as they calculate the risks of the different options, Nojonen estimates at A-Talk on Thursday.

China also has the opportunity to remain a neutral party in the war in Ukraine like the economic giant is currently trying to be. This option has its own price for China.

– International pressure is growing, but so is Putin’s pressure as a strategic partner, the president Xi Jinping and Beijing do not support it. Putin would drift ever tighter.

According to Nojonen, China’s third option is for the economic giant to condemn Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. In doing so, President Xi Jinping will gather the praise of the international community, but will sever the partnership with Russia and push Russia into the abyss.

Chief Economist of Nordea Wind Birch recalls that China has close economic relations with the West. The weight of the Russian economy from China’s perspective is so small that China is unlikely to sacrifice important economic relations with Europe and the United States.

China’s economy has benefited greatly from globalization over the past 20 years, recalls Russia’s economic expert, professor of international business Kari Liuhto From the University of Turku.

– It is not worthwhile for China to go armed to support a system that is going to catch up and the Iron Curtain is about to land on Russia. Russia accounts for only a couple of percent of China’s foreign trade, Liuhto says.

Professor Emeritus, Economist Sixten Korkman believes that Chinese policymakers are now making an overall assessment of the country’s relationship with Russia at war. The warm distance between Xi Jinping and Putin brings his own problem to the situation.

– It is difficult to see that Russia could win this war in any sensible way. The war will continue and it will be extremely heavy for Russia, which, on the other hand, will be burdened by severely loosening sanctions.

The United States has claimed, according to international media, that Russia has asked China for arms aid. Russia and China have denied the allegations.

You can discuss the topic on March 18th. until 11 p.m.
