Children died in connection with home births

The home birth was planned but it did not go ahead and then the woman came into the hospital.

— An emergency caesarean section was performed, but the child did not survive, says Maria Hedstromhead of care at Södertälje BB to the newspaper.

The hospital has started a so-called incident analysis and it only applies to what happened at the hospital where they do not take responsibility for what happened at home. The home birth in question was arranged privately and so-called home midwives, who were hired privately, assisted at the birth, according to DN.

Södertälje Hospital has not yet decided whether the case should be lex Maria-notified, which happens if the care facility makes the assessment that something went wrong was caused.

Second child to die during home birth this year in Stockholm

It is the second time this year that a child in the Stockholm area has died in connection with a home birth. In April, a newborn child was brought to Karolinska in Solna. The child suffered from a severe lack of oxygen and died. That case has been reported under the lex Maria.

Very few births take place at home. It is about one to two per thousand of the total number, which last year was 104,000.
