Chickpeas: what are they?

Chickpeas what are they

Despite the simplicity of growing this annual vegetable, chickpea is quite rarely grown in vegetable gardens. Like peas or lentils, chickpeas are eaten dry.

Chickpea season

the Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a vegetable native to the Middle East that is part of the family of legumes (Fabaceae), such as split peas, broad beans, lentils or dried beans. They are sown in the spring, as soon as the Earth is warmed up once the last frosts of May have passed. In the South, sowing can take place as early as February. They are grown mainly around the Mediterranean basin because they need heat to develop. Prepare ordinary soil deeply so that it is loose. Make furrows and place two to three seeds every 25 centimeters, 10 centimeters deep. If you draw several rows, space them about 40 centimeters apart. Cover with soil and water lightly. Place a net in order to protect your seedlings from birds, fond of the seeds. Always keep the rows clean by weed killer and hoeing regularly. Once the young feet are 20 centimeters high, hoe them to form small mounds which will hold the deep roots in place. The white or pink flowering, which begins in June, gives way to pods which, from the end of August, are picked, once dry. Count two seeds per pod.

Nutritional qualities of chickpeas

Very popular in recipes vegetarianchickpea is rich in protein, iron, magnesium, B9 vitaminsfibers and iron.

Chickpea varieties

Under its appearance of dried round peas, chickpeas come in two main types:

  • Kabuli: early type with large clear, cultivated in the Mediterranean basin and the most consumed in France;
  • Desi: type with smaller, black and wrinkled grains, grown in India.

There is a third, less common type called Gulabi.

Among the many varieties of chickpeas, the most common are:

  • Desi ‘De Puglia’: Italian variety with black seeds;
  • Kabuli ‘Twist’: beige grain of medium size;
  • Kabuli ‘Elvar’: beige grain of medium size;
  • Kabuli ‘Lambada’: beige grain of medium size;
  • Kabuli ‘Eldorado’: medium-sized beige grain;
  • Kabuli ‘Elixir’: beige grain of medium size.

Storing and Cooking Chickpeas

Count between five or six months after sowing to harvest the chickpeas. This vegetable is mainly eaten dry, although fresh grains are also eaten. The day before, soak them in a bowl of water. On D-Day, rinse them then cook them in a pot of boiling water. Drain them and prepare them according to your tastes. Chickpeas are the main ingredient of hummus or mashed potatoes and can be used in a paella or one cous cous royal. Chickpea flour, on the other hand, is used to prepare breads and soups.

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