Category: Life & Health
SessionLive x 2 with Ye Vagabonds & Le Cri du Caire, from Ireland to Egypt
Live with the Irish group Ye Vagabonds with the Mc Gloinn brothers and a poetic escape with the trio Le Cri du Caire, whose DNA pecks Egypt, England and Germany.…
An ex-pilot unveils the ultimate and essential travel accessory to take everywhere
Accustomed to traveling all over the world and very often, this former airline pilot never took the plane without this small object in his suitcase… And no, it’s not a…
Medical deserts: what is this “transpartisan” amendment that tenses doctors?
The debate is back on the table, for the umpteenth time. Should the installation of doctors be conditioned to deal with the lack of caregivers in a territory? There Law…
In 3 Days, one of the best sci-fi shows of the last year returns for Season 2, which includes a highly anticipated crossover
With an average rating of 7.3 from the Moviepilot community, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is one of the best sci-fi series of the past year. The adventures of the…
5 signs that you have a problem with your kidneys! Don’t waste your time
Although the different symptoms we see in our body in our daily life do not usually carry a great risk, the continuation of these symptoms can be a warning sign…
Italy: Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is dead
He was nicknamed “the immortal” for his longevity in politics. Silvio Berlusconi, the media magnate who ruled Italy for nine years, died at the age of 86 from leukemia, his…
Mark Hamill has the perfect explanation
Mark Hamill is probably the only star who can gild a film flaw. Hamill played Luke Skywalker in five main series Star Wars films. He first appears as a fully…
“There are two biggest factors to consider when teaching a language to an adult”
Foreign language proficiency, which is indispensable for career life, is the worst nightmare for most of us. English Instructor Metanet Dalgül, on the other hand, argues that learning a foreign…
At what age does muscle wasting begin? Sooner than you think…
According to an Ifop poll, 85% of French people do not know at what age the loss of muscle mass begins. And you ? A Ifop survey for’AFM-Téléthon and the…
How to invest in cryptocurrencies… without owning them
At the beginning of November 2022, a bomb falls on the crypto planet. The bankruptcy of the FTX exchange platform leaves hundreds of thousands of investors on the floor, losing…