Category: General
Non fungible token: what is it?
“Non fungible tokens” (NFT), which could be translated as “non fungible tokens”, are cryptographic and virtual elements on the blockchain with some codes unique identification and metadata (author, signature, date,…
Ecology, a major theme in science fiction
Two weeks after the end of the COP26 in Glasgow, held under the threat of a global temperature increase of 2.7 ° C by 2100, novels, films and video games…
What are the five types of renewable energy?
At the origin of all the renewable energies that humanity exploits today, there are only two main sources: the Sun and the Earth. However, specialists like to classify these energies…
Call to the world from South Africa where Omicron was detected: Take it back immediately
After the discovery of Omicron, the new mutation of the coronavirus in South Africa on November 25, many countries decided to restrict travel to South Africa. In his speech on…
Why does blood sugar rise? Here are the symptoms and 10 mistakes that raise blood sugar
Do you often experience severe thirst despite drinking water? Do you see your surroundings hazy? Have you started to complain of fatigue and stomachache? Do you have involuntary weight loss?…
It attracts attention with its thin and light structure
Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G has a 6.55-inch display. This screen has many beautiful details on both the viewing and operating side. First of all, let’s mention that this screen has…
Federal forces seem to be slowing down the advance of the Tigrayan rebels
Foreign nationals continue to leave the country. Saturday evening November 27, a charter flight was chartered by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to repatriate French citizens to Paris. These…
Hysterectomy: what is it?
In France, approximately 62,000 women undergo a hysterectomy each year. This surgical act consists of removing theuterus, partially or completely depending on the case. Hysterectomy, like all names of surgical…
These electric bikes are recharged wirelessly, by the kickstand
We already know the principle of wireless charging by induction of electric cars. The Dutch company Tiler applied it to electric bikes with a solution as simple as it is…
What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning?
Our Earth turns on itself without our being directly aware of it. However, the consequences of this rotational movement are numerous. And if it were to stop, our planet would…