Category: General
these Slovaks receptive to pro-Russian conspiracy theories
The momentum of solidarity with refugees continues in the border region of Ukraine, in the east of the country. But the relays of Kremlin propaganda by part of the political…
Best Fall-Themed Movies
If you are one of those who want to celebrate the rainy days of autumn and the sadness of the yellowing leaves with a movie, continue reading our article. Here…
For the love of birds, a poetic and ethical vision by Georgina Steytler
Georgina Steytler is an Australian nature and bird photographer, writer and conservationist. Although self-taught, she has won prestigious awards for her eco-friendly shots. wildlife : Wildlife Photographer of the Yearthe…
Pollen map March 2022: where are the allergies right now?
ALLERGY MARCH 2022. The end of March signals the arrival of the birch pollen season and the associated allergy risks. Which departments are most affected at the moment? On alert…
Death of Pierre Papadiamandis: who was Eddy Mitchell’s “brother”?
PIERRE PAPADIAMANDIS. Composer Pierre Papadiamandis died at 85. A man in the shadows, he had created nearly 200 songs for Eddy Mitchell, including “Water Mint Color” or “The Last Session”.…
Summary of More beautiful life episode 4502 of March 22, 2022
MORE BEAUTIFUL LIFE. In episode 4502 of Plus belle la vie on Tuesday March 22, 2022, Théo was stabbed in the stomach. Abstract. In episode 4502 of Plus belle la…
RSA: mandatory training in return? Macron’s project
RSA. During the presentation of his program, Emmanuel Macron clearly positioned himself in favor of an overhaul of the RSA. In other words, in the event of re-election, the RSA…
Stratford Home and Leisure Show returning in April
News Local News If you’ve found it difficult to book contractors during the pandemic-driven home renovation boom, organizers of the Stratford Home and Leisure Show have some good news. If…
Folder feature came with Nintendo Switch update
With the newly released Nintendo Switch update, a long-awaited feature has finally become available. Nintendo is a console that remains much simpler than its rivals Sony and Microsoft, both in…
Cadillac Lyriq; The first electric vehicle of 120 years of adventure started mass production
Cadillac Lyriq, which started mass production in the largest facility of General Motors, is promising with high order numbers in a short time. We continue to live the days when…