Category: General
the candidates denounce the “crimes” of Boutcha
Presidential candidates said Monday they were shocked by images of civilians killed in the kyiv region, denouncing “crimes” and calling for most to toughen sanctions against Russia. Six days before…
Threatened words from Russia to Germany! ‘We will give the necessary answer’
After Germany expelled many Russian diplomats, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mariya Zakharova made statements on the subject. Speaking to the Russian media, Zaharova confirmed that Germany had expelled 40 Russian…
Prix Marc-Vivien Foé 2022: the list of 12 nominees
In the contents of Radio Foot this Monday, at 4:10 p.m. UT: the list of 12 nominated for the Marc-Vivien Foé RFI / France 24 Prize which rewards the best…
Senegal celebrates the 62nd anniversary of its independence to the sound of the fanfare
A ceremony was organized this Monday, April 4 in Dakar, Place de l’Indépendance, with a “small format” parade of some 1,800 soldiers and paramilitaries. With our correspondence in Dakar, Charlotte…
What is Twitter Advanced Search?
Twitter, one of the most used social media applications today, embraces millions of people every day. twitter You can share your thoughts and opinions without censorship, communicate with your friends…
Driving license: the new rules for diabetics and Alzheimer’s patients
The public authorities have updated the list of medical conditions incompatible or compatible with obtaining, renewing or maintaining a driving licence. A text that addresses in particular the case of…
Pluto’s volcanoes are still active
Before the second half of the XXand century, the geologists and planetologists were far from suspecting the importance of volcanism in the Solar systemstarting with the Earth itself and its…
Alzheimer’s disease: 75 genetic risk factors have been identified
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Soon a blood test to detect Alzheimer’s disease? A blood test to detect Alzheimer’s disease that could be done at your doctor’s office…
Hay fever and allergic rhinitis: what’s the difference?
Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, is a reaction caused by exposure to pollen. The best precaution is to avoid the allergen as much as possible. Medications may be prescribed to…
The most cultivated bulb flowers
bulb flowersfall bloom in spring. Highly appreciated for their shades and their multiple varieties, they adorn gardens and planters, which then regain all their colors. The hyacinth, a fragrant bulb…