Category: Finance
Unicredit subscribes to a 1.6 million euro sustainable minibond issued by Perrella Distribuzione
(Finance) – UniCredit subscribed a 1.6 million euro bond issued by Perrella Distributiona Salerno-based company among the main realities in the Center-South for the service and supply of food products…
Confagricoltura, the HubFarm model at Expo Dubai
(Finance) – The primary sector must not only be capable of responding to the growing global demand for food and raw materials for industry and construction: agriculture and forestry are…
Minimum wage, Tridico: it’s time to decide
(Finance) – “I think the time has come to make concrete decisions and as soon as possiblegiven the difficult situation pushed by the pandemic and now further by inflation, which…
Antares Vision, acquisition of ACSIS completed
(Finance) – Antares Vision has completed the acquisitionand, through its subsidiary rfxcel, of ACSIS for an Enterprise Value of $ 12 million. Founded in 1996, ACSIS offers innovative software solutions…
Ukraine, another day of high tension on the Washington-Moscow axis
(Finance) – The United States are still convinced that the Russia is “engaged in a false flag operation”, an operation to create the pretext to attack. Joe Biden told reporters…
Prysmian, activities continue for a new plant in the United States
(Finance) – Prysmiana company listed on Euronext Milan and active in the sector of cable systems for energy and telecommunications, has registered progress in the design of a new submarine…
Covid, the decline in hospitalizations continues
(Finance) – They are 57.890 the new infections from Covid in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health. Yesterday there were 59,749. The victims they…
Dear energy, the control room at Palazzo Chigi closed: tomorrow the Council of Ministers
(Finance) – It closed just before 8pm control room chaired by Prime Minister Mario Draghi with ministers Stefano Patuanelli, Giancarlo Giorgetti, Maria Stella Gelmini, Andrea Orlando, Elena Bonetti and Roberto…
The 2022 calendar of De ‘Longhi corporate events
(Finance) – The Big applianceas a reference for the activities of financial market operators, announced the dates scheduled for 2022 for the examination of the economic – financial data by…
Musk (Tesla) accuses the SEC of restricting his right to freedom of expression
(Finance) – The clash between Elon Musk continuesfounder of Tesla, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which is the US federal body responsible for the supervision of the stock…