Caroline Laurent, anger, as a literary weapon

Caroline Laurent is Franco-Mauritian. After the success of her book co-written with Évelyne Pisier, And suddenly freedom (Les Escales, 2017) translated in many countries, she has published Shore of Wrath (winner of around ten prizes), a novel adapted into a comic strip by Philéas. Caroline Laurent founded her independent literary agency in 2021.


After the death of her friend Évelyne Pisier, with whom she had co-written And suddenly freedom, Caroline Laurent learned from the book of the daughter of Évelyne Pisier that the latter had not denounced the incest of which her son had been the victim. From this amazement, this anger and this grief was born the new book by Caroline Laurent.

What do you want? Writing is the answer that I give to a question that no one asks me.

One day a friend dies, and in dying into the world she gives birth to me. What unites us : a book. His latest novel, my first novel, entwined in a single volume. Such a beautiful story.

Five years later, the ground crumbles beneath my feet as I read another book, which breaks the silence of an incestuous family. My heart freezes ; I no longer breathe. These beings that I loved, and who loved me, were therefore not the ones that I believed ?

I was not the victim of this tragedy. Yet an unknown pain dug a hole in me.

For a year, I struggled with grief and madness. I thought I had lost everything : my joy, my landmarks, my confidence, my desire. Writing was impossible. This was to forget the deep consolations. The beauty of the world. The body in motion. The momentum of women who write : Deborah Levy, Annie Ernaux, Joan Didion… So hang on, come what may. One morning, writing will return. »Caroline Laurent for the Les Escales editions.
