Carnival in Rio back again

Carnival in Rio back again

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen Carnival king Momo – this year the mission went to Djferson Mendes da Silva – with the key to Rio de Janeiro where the carnival officially started on Friday. Photo: Bruna Prado

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is back in full swing after being hampered by the pandemic.

Mayor Eduardo Paes on Friday officially opened the world’s largest carnival by traditionally handing the key of the city to the carnival king Momo.

As a result, Rio de Janeiro will be completely ruled by the party for the next few days – and it is really long-awaited because two carnivals have been affected by the pandemic. Add to that concerns about the polarizing presidential election in October.

– It is with great joy, celebrating life and democracy, I have the honor to hand over the key of the city to King Momo, says the carnival-loving mayor.

King Momo – this year his name is Djferson Mendes da Silva – is chosen in a kind of competition where charisma, party spirit and samba skills are rewarded.

In the official carnival, samba schools compete in parading through a large arena. The unofficial carnival has already been going on for weeks with massive street parties called “blocos.”
