Can you play Diablo 4 offline?

Diablo 4 is about to release, but can Blizzard’s action RPG be played offline? MeinMMO has all the important answers for you.

Diablo 4 launches June 5 on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. But many are wondering: Can I also play the action RPG offline or do I have to be constantly connected to some server?

MeinMMO provides you with all the important information about Diablo 4 and explains when and how you can play.

Diablo 4: The official story trailer for the release

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You cannot play Diablo 4 offline at the time of release

Can you play Diablo 4 offline? No. Diablo 4 does not officially support offline mode. Blizzard itself has expressly pointed out that you will need an online connection.

Even if you mainly want to enjoy Diablo 4 in single player mode and you are not interested in multiplayer, you still need an internet connection to play.

Could an offline mode follow in the future? No, that is very unlikely. Because Diablo 4 relies on a live service model with a strong online connection, all of which require an online mode:

A lot of content is also designed to be played with other players. Features like the “Shared World” cannot be switched off either. Even if your fellow players get on your nerves, you have to live with them. The developers had already stated at the beginning that Diablo 4 should not be an MMO.

And if you are wondering what hardware you need for Diablo 4, then take a look at the following article on MeinMMO. Here we present the system requirements in detail and tell you what kind of PC you really need:

Diablo 4: How much does a PC cost if I want to play the action RPG?
