Camilla queen consort, Britons divided

Camilla queen consort Britons divided

Elizabeth II celebrated this Sunday, February 6, her 70 years on the British throne. For the occasion, the queen published a press release. She announces that on her death Camilla will become queen and not princess consort, as planned until then.

With our correspondent in London, Emmeline Wine

Whether Camilla is queen consort or princess consort would not change anything except the symbol. But Neil believes it was the right thing to do for the Queen: ” It suits me perfectly [Camilla] become queen consort. And I think Charles will be a good king. Water has flowed under the bridges, we have to move on, and they will continue to be a good thing for our country. In fact, Neil’s eyes sparkle when he thinks of the Jubilee celebrations next June.

Of a generation that did not know Diana, Josh still has reservations about the future Queen Camilla: ” She got too bad press. The royal family is an institution, it’s tradition. Power should pass directly to William. There is nothing to do him any harm, neither he nor Kate. We have to go through it, we don’t need controversy in this country! »

Abdication theory

The idea is shared by many subjects, but rejected by Crown experts, as is the abdication theory. Although some like Jane support this theory: She is putting her house in order, before resigning. She is over 90 anyway, she has to hand over! But quite frankly, given what we’ve been through in the last two years, I don’t think it’s very important. »

The Queen says she hopes the Jubilee celebrations can help draw a line under the difficult days of recent years.

Read also: United Kingdom: Queen Elizabeth II passes the milestone of 70 years of reign
