Calendar for the lifting of health restrictions: what you need to know

Calendar for the lifting of health restrictions what you need

Jean Castex and Olivier Véran announced, on Thursday January 20, the dates and details for the gradual lifting of health restrictions, as well as the implementation of the vaccination pass.

Although the contamination figures remain high, during the now famous update on the epidemic situation, Jean-Castex and Olivier Véran announced an upcoming improvement and a schedule for easing the restrictive measures.

From February 2:

  • The teleworking rule requiring 3 days at a distance per week will be lifted in companies. “Teleworking will only be recommended”, said Jean Castex.
  • The obligation to wear a mask outdoors should be suspended in certain cities.
  • More gauges in places open to the public.

From February 16

  • Reopening of nightclubs (with the possibility of requesting to wear a mask inside still under study).
  • Concerts possible again
  • Consumption standing in bars allowed.
  • Consumption in stadiums and restaurants allowed again.

Back from the February holidays: the reduced protocol in schools

Regarding schools, parents who are currently undergoing a complicated protocol for daily life could finally be relieved with a streamlining of the process in the event of a positive case in a class upon returning from the February holidays. And mask-wearing in elementary schools could be lifted.

Consult a GP online

January 24: implementation of the vaccination pass

According to the government, January 24 will mark the implementation of the very controversial vaccine pass. To be able to have access to certain closed places open to the public (except hospitals and medico-social places) such as cinemas, theaters or even main line trains, anyone over the age of 16 must have a complete vaccination schedule (the third will be possible for 12/17 year olds but not compulsory). No more possibility of showing a negative PCR test except for 12/15 year olds.

Jean Castex also mentioned the possibility of removing the vaccination pass “if the epidemic pressure, but above all the hospital pressure, were to reduce sharply and durably”.
