CAF to pay benefits earlier, 13 million French people affected

CAF to pay benefits earlier 13 million French people affected

Change of date for payment of social benefits.

This is a payment that is usually settled like clockwork. On the 5th of each month, the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) pays money to 13 million French people to compensate for the lack of employment (RSA), to help them pay for their housing (APL), to meet expenses for children (Paje, family allowances), or to supplement their salary (activity bonus).

This transfer, scheduled for the same date, allows beneficiaries to manage their budget as best they can. But in October, there will be an exception. And it will not be bad news. If the day is always fixed, it may happen that it varies depending on the calendar. Indeed, the CAF does not make transfers on Saturdays or Sundays. And in order not to disadvantage beneficiaries, it may therefore happen that it sends the funds earlier than usual.

This will be the case for the month of October. The calendar provides that the 5th falls on a Saturday. Therefore, social benefits will be transferred on Friday, October 4. The money will therefore arrive the same day, the next day… or the following Tuesday at the latest, in the beneficiaries’ accounts.

“The actual payment into your account varies depending on your bank. Regardless of the payment date, you will therefore have to wait between 1 and 3 days before seeing the amount appear in your account,” says the CAF. However, it should be noted that transfers are generally never credited on Mondays, as most banks are closed. The money will therefore arrive between Friday 4 and Tuesday 8 October.

In this case where the 5th falls on a Saturday, the CAF does not wait until the following Monday because that could cause too much inconvenience to the beneficiaries’ finances. This is the first and last time that this situation occurs in 2024. In 2025, it will happen twice since the allowances will be paid earlier in April and July given the calendar. In addition, they will arrive later in January and October because the 5th of those months will fall on a Sunday.
