Cabinet reshuffle in Burkina Faso

Cabinet reshuffle in Burkina Faso

The president of the transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, has decided to carry out a reorganization of his government. There are four departures from the old team and four new appointments, to Territorial Administration, Justice, Agriculture and the Environment.

The secretary general of the government announced this reshuffle on the set of the evening news of public television.

The main change, given the situation in the country, is made in the Territorial Administration and Security, which will be occupied by a civilian. Indeed, Colonel Boukaré Zoungrana is leaving and is replaced by magistrate Émile Zerbo, who was in charge of the counter-terrorism judicial pole of the Ouaga 2 high court.

Change also in Justice: the lawyer Rodrigue Edasso Bayala becomes Keeper of the Seals. He had sat in the National Assembly under the presidency of Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, under the banner of the Union pour la renaissance/Sankarist party, a party from which he resigned in September 2022 for ” convenience personal.

Previously director general of the national food security stock management company, Major Ismael Sombié replaces Denis Ouedraogo at the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries.

Finally, the Ministry of the Environment, Energy, Water and Sanitation will now be headed by Roger Barro, who until then was the director of the prevention of pollution and environmental risks.
