Bryonia (homeopathy): benefits, indications, 5, 7 or 9 CH?

Bryonia homeopathy benefits indications 5 7 or 9 CH

Bryonia is a homeopathic strain used to treat various infections. What are its other uses? Cough ? Osteoarthritis? Constipation ? Which dilution to choose?

What is Bryonia?

The Bryonia strain is extracted from Bryonia alba (white bryony) which is a poisonous climbing plant belonging to the family of Cucurbitaceae, provided with a fleshy root and can live for several years.

Photo of a Bryonia alba © BakalaeroZz-Adobestock

What does Bryonia contain in homeopathy?

In homeopathy, Bryonia is made from the underground organs of fresh white bryony. This homeopathic strain is devoid of toxicity, it contains sterols (phytosterol), unsaturated fatty acids, triterpenes, lectins (vegetable proteins) and mainly cucurbitacin glycosides having a structure similar to corticosteroids (hormones with anti-inflammatory action). It also contains bryonine, substance derived from glucose with purgative action.

What are the properties of Bryonia granules?

Bryonia has properties anti-infectives, it is used in the management of ENT and pulmonary pathologies such as influenza, flu-like illness, mumps, rhinitis associated with dry mucous membranes, but also pneumopathies, coughs in a context of tracheitis or bronchitis and inflammation of the meninges. Bryonia also acts against fever.
This strain presents anti-inflammatory action, it is used in case of rheumatological pathologies such as joint pain, arthritis, acute synovitis of the hip and accumulation of fluid in a joint. Thus, its field of action extends to irritation of the peritoneum, pericarditis, inflammation of the pleura (sheet that covers the lungs) and abdominal pain caused by laparoscopy. Likewise, it allows relieve mastitis (painful inflammation of the mammary gland) and pain related to a rise in milk in breastfeeding women. In addition, Bryonia helps to treat constipation and digestive discomfort (including bloating) due to its digestive properties. Bryonia has other less common indications such as:

  • dizziness linked to changes in position (antivertiginous properties)
  • dry eye syndrome and contact lens intolerance associated with dryness of the conjunctiva (moisturizing properties)

Should you take Bryonia 5 CH, 7 CH or 9 CH?

Bryonia can be taken in 5 CH, 7 CH, 9 CH or even 15 CH or 30 CH. The choice of dilution depends on the therapeutic indication. Generally, the weak 5 CH dilution makes it possible to treat local signs such as dry eyes, contact lens intolerance, certain joint pains, constipation and intestinal discomfort. The 7 CH and 9 CH dilutions are recommended in the management of general symptoms such as infections (flu, flu, mumps, cold, bronchitis, etc.), rheumatological diseases (arthritis, synovitis), inflammation affecting various organs (mammary gland, pleura, peritoneum, intestine, pericardium) and dizziness. To treat inflammation of the meninges, the doctor will usually prescribe Bryonia in 7 or 9 CH, even 15 or 30 CH to treat chronic symptoms.

Bryonia and osteoarthritis

Taking 5 granules of Bryonia in 7 or 9 CH 2 to 4 times a day reduces the symptoms associated with osteoarthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The Arnitrosium® specialty comprising strains of Bryonia, Arnica montana and Rhus toxicodendron also helps relieve joint pain. It is recommended to take 1 tablet to melt under the tongue 6 times a day maximum depending on the pain intensity.

Bryonia and cough

To treat a painful dry cough against the background of tracheitis or bronchitis, Bryonia should be administered at the rate of 5 granules in one dose 4 to 6 times a day in 7 or 9 CH. The catches must be spaced out when the intensity of the symptoms decreases. In addition, certain specialties containing Bryonia associated with other strains are marketed to treat all types of cough:

  • LHF pectoral pastes with mandarin®, Pâtes Baudry®: 6 sucking pastes per day for children and 6 to 12 per day for adults
  • Stodaline® syrup : a dose of 15 mL 3 to 5 times a day in adults, a dose of 2.5 mL once a day (between 24 and 35 months), twice a day (between 3 and 11 years) and a dose 5 mL 2 to 3 times a day (between 12 and 18 years old)
  • Stodal® syrup : a dose of 15 mL 3 to 5 times a day in adults, a dose of 5 mL 3 to 5 times a day in children, respecting a period of 4 hours between each intake
  • Stodal® granules : 5 granules 3 to 5 times a day for adults and children

Bryonia and Constipation

Bryonia granules are used for treat constipation which is characterized by hard, dry stools. The dosage is 5 granules 1 to 2 times a day at a 5 CH dilution for the time necessary to restore normal transit.

Bryonia and dizziness

Dizziness caused or aggravated by a change of position can be relieved by taking 5 granules of Bryonia in 7 or 9 CH renewed 4 to 6 times a day for a few days.

– Public drug database
– Boiron Laboratories
– Demarque D., Jouanny J., Poitevin B., Saint-Jean Y. Pharmacology and homeopathic materia medica. ECHR Editions, 2009.
