Britney Spears released from guardianship – ex-husband broke into wedding venue on live Instagram

Britney Spears released from guardianship ex husband broke into wedding

The wedding of singer Britney Spears and fitness coach Sam Asghar has been celebrated in California. Most of the Spears family did not attend the party.

American singer Britney Spears has entered into his third marriage. Spears was inaugurated as his longtime partner Sam Asgharin with Thousand Oaks near Los Angeles.

The wedding dress was the creation of Versace’s fashion room and the bride stepped to the altar Elvis Can’t Help to the beat of the song Falling in Love, says People.

Britney Spears was released last fall from her father’s guardianship, which had been imposed because of the singer’s mental health problems. Father James Spears was responsible for her daughter’s finances and private life for 13 years. U.S. media has estimated the value of Spears ’assets to be about $ 60 million.

Britney Spears asked for an end to patronage because she considered it an “abuse.” Among other things, he said that for years he was forced to perform, take medication and use contraception against his will. According to the singer, the guardianship prevented her from getting married and having children.

After being released from guardianship, Spears got engaged to fitness coach Ashgar, and in the spring she announced she was pregnant. In May, the couple said the pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

Britney Spears ’fate garnered worldwide attention and her fans campaigned for the singer’s release from patronage through the FreeBritney movement. The movement has been considered to have had a significant impact on the end of patronage.

The wedding party saw extra drama when the singer’s ex-husband Jason Alexander broke into the wedding venue while filming a live broadcast on Instagram. According to U.S. media, Alexander claimed to have received an invitation to the wedding, but was arrested by police. The incident has been reported, among other things TMZ (switch to another service) and Variety magazine (go to another service).

In 2004, Alexander and Spears had time to get married 55 hours before the marriage was annulled.

Britney Spears was married to a rap musician from 2004-2007 Kevin Federlinen with. They have two children.
