Boy hit by timber truck – badly injured

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– The guy was out cycling with his friends. For some inexplicable reason, he hesitates with the bicycle and comes further out into the roadway where he is hit by an empty timber truck, says Thomas Fuxborg, press spokesperson at the police.

– We will initiate a preliminary investigation to investigate the incident, given that it is a serious accident.

The accident occurred just before 5 pm on Wednesday on highway 49 at the Hanken area. The boy was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Skövde, but was later flown to Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, according to P4 Skaraborg.

During the night, the police tell TT that the boy’s condition is serious but stable.

Both the timber truck and the bicycle have been seized after the accident which will be investigated. The police have initiated a preliminary investigation into negligence in traffic.

– No one is notified of suspicion, but it is to be able to conduct the investigation, says Magnus Schildt, duty officer at the police.
