Blood, who punched Eemeli Suomei again, is threatened with a ban – “It was a bit unnecessary and dirty, not worthy of a ban. Let the boys play”

Blood who punched Eemeli Suomei again is threatened with a

Pelicans’ hero, Ben Blood, who scored two goals in the Ilves net on Thursday, is threatened with a suspension. His latest act, Eemeli Suomeen, will be subject to disciplinary proceedings.

Pelicans defenseman Ben Blood’s the latest act Ilves captain Eemeli to Finland goes to disciplinary proceedings.

The Ice Hockey SM League’s situation room has checked the situation that happened in Thursday’s match between Ilves and Pelicans in time 58:37, where Pelicans’ Ben Blood tackles Ilves’ Eemeli Suomei, who is on the ice, with a knee to the back.

The situation will proceed to disciplinary proceedings.

Ben Blood recently took a stand on the latest scandal involving him.

– Yes, this game situation is unnecessary and a bit dirty. No, it’s not worth a ban. We have a good playoff run going. Now let the boys play, declared Blood on Twitter.
