Bleeding during ovulation: cause, pill, IUD, endometriosis?

Bleeding during ovulation cause pill IUD endometriosis

If ovulation is most often asymptomatic, it can, in some women, be accompanied by light bleeding. Is this normal? What are the causes ? When and who to consult? Explanations by Dr Caroline Verhaeghe, medical and obstetrics gynecologist at the University Hospital of Angers.

Is it normal to bleed during ovulation?

Bleeding that occurs at the time of ovulation is usually mild. It’s not heavy bleeding but “spotting“, that is to say, small drops of blood that can be seen in her panties when you go to the toilet. “These bleedings do not present no gravity characterthere is no need to be alarmed, except in case of heavy bleeding, in which case it is necessary to consult your gynecologist to determine the origin” explains Dr Caroline Verhaeghe, medical and obstetrics gynecologist at the University Hospital of Angers.

What Causes Bleeding During Ovulation?

Bleeding that occurs during ovulation is most often idiopathic, which means that no cause is identified. More rarely, they may be the sign of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, sexually transmitted infection (STI), inflammation of the endometrium (cervicitis), polyps or cysts. They can also raise suspicion of the presence of pre-cancerous cells in the cervix.

Bleeding during ovulation on the pill: the sign of what?

By definition, birth control pill blocks ovulation. Bleeding on the pill can be linked to the hormonal action of the pill or to forgetting to take a pill. If they occur over several cycles, it is important to consult because they can reveal the presence of a cyst, polyp or uterine fibroid. Although these gynecological disorders are benign, they can cause discomfort and pain.

Bleeding during ovulation under IUD: good or bad sign?

Bleeding that occurs at the time of ovulation in a woman on the IUD should always alert. Indeed, it may be a ectopic pregnancy : instead of implanting in the uterine cavity, the fertilized egg settles in an abnormal place, most often in a fallopian tube. The later the treatment, the greater the risk of complications (rupture of the fallopian tubes, life-threatening intra-abdominal haemorrhages) are important.

Is this a sign of endometriosis?

Bleeding that occurs around the time of ovulation can, if they are abundant and regular, and they are accompanied by pain, constitute a sign of endometriosis.

Is this a sign of pregnancy?

Bleeding can actually be a sign of pregnancy. Between the first and second week of pregnancy, some women have bleeding. This is called implantation bleeding: the fertilized egg implants itself in the blood-soaked uterine lining, which can cause light bleeding.

Who to consult in case of bleeding during ovulation?

In case of bleeding during ovulation, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist or a midwife.

What treatment in case of bleeding during ovulation?

If it is light isolated spotting, no treatment will be necessary. On the other hand, if the bleeding occurs over several cycles and is heavy, the gynecologist may prescribe additional examinations to determine their origin. The treatment will then depend on the cause of the bleeding. Sometimes, just change birth control to stop the bleeding.

Thanks to Dr Caroline Verhaeghe, medical and obstetrics gynecologist at the CHU d’Angers.
