Bilal Hassani victim of rape: his revelations to TF1

Bilal Hassani victim of rape his revelations to TF1

BILAL HASSANI. Guest of Seven to Eight of TF1, Bilal Hassani confides to having been raped during an evening in 2019. We tell you what would have happened according to the singer.

Bilal Hassani is honored on the show Sept à Huit, at 7:30 p.m. on TF1, Sunday September 11, 2022. The young man is the show’s portrait of the week. He recalls that he wishes to ignore the question of gender: “I like to think that ‘he’ or ‘she’, it’s the same thing.” But, facing Audrey Crespo-Mara, the key element of the interview will undoubtedly be the story of an evening in 2019 that turned into a nightmare: “It was in 2019. With someone from my circle, someone who I trusted, we left for a party. I came back from that party with him. I had had two, three glasses, but I didn’t feel what you feel when you drink two, three glasses. I was clearly under the influence of a substance that I had not wanted to take.”

Continuing his story, Bilal Hassani remembers: “I started having ‘black outs’, moments when I had more memory. I would wake up and what could be translated as a sexual assault was happening. was rape. I woke up the next morning, he was in my bed. I didn’t understand why. And I said to myself, ‘Don’t ask questions, don’t say anything, move on, move on.’ ” For him, no doubt, he was the victim of a rape. But the singer cannot file a complaint. “No, I couldn’t. I couldn’t talk about it in public. And this is the only time I’m going to do it,” he explains, facing the camera.

No matter what he had suffered, the young man did not want to give his detractors one more opportunity to unleash their hatred against him: “I did not want to give a new string to feed the hatred that I receive. In fact, what would have happened if I had filed a complaint, it would have been known quite quickly, and it would have become THE subject. This striking testimony will not fail to remind us that the subject of sexual violence is more relevant than ever.
