Berocca: benefits, danger, when to take a cure?

Berocca benefits danger when to take a cure

Temporary fatigue, loss of tone, weakening of the body as winter approaches… There are many reasons to take Berocca®, available over the counter in pharmacies and drugstores. But what are its benefits? What dangers to avoid?

What is Berocca®?

The Berocca® is a dietary supplement based on vitamins and minerals, indicated in adults in the temporary episodes of fatigue. The range is available in different products for find a good physical and mental energy and boost theimmunity with “flash” versions for a quick boost.

When to take Berocca®?

Berocca® food supplements are indicated in case of fatigue, during active moments at work, during studies (example: passage of the Bac, Brevet …), during physical activities, long days or even in case of particular need for concentration. Berocca® immunity is recommended in order to Prepare the body’s natural defenses (skin, mucous membranes, innate and adaptive immunity) and to protect it against external aggressions, such as in autumn before winter infections or when changing seasons.

What is the composition of Berocca®?

The Berocca® consists of vitamins and minerals in varying proportionsand depending on the product concerned, plant extracts or microbiotic strains.

  • Berocca® energy: vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12 and C, calcium, magnesium and zinc
  • Bercocca® immunity defense: vitamins B6, B9, B12, C and D, zinc, Echinacea, microbiotic strain (Bifidobacterium lactis BIO4)
  • Berocca® flash immunity: vitamins A, B6, B9, B12, C, D3 and E, copper, iron, selenium and zinc.
  • Berocca® boost: vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12 and C, calcium, magnesium, zinc and caffeine. The effervescent tablets also contain dry extract of guarana.

Berocca® is usually taken in cure of 28 or 30 days (except Berocca® boost which can be taken occasionally if necessary), to be renewed if necessary. The cure must take place in addition to a healthy lifestyle and a varied diet.

Berocca® should not be taken continuously over a long period

Treatments are to begin when the need arises depending on each individual situation. Berocca® should not be taken continuously over a long period and medical advice is required for people on medication in progress, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or people with certain pathologies (example: kidney problems, anemia, red blood cell disease, haemochromatosis). He can also exist drug interactions. For example if you follow an iron-based treatment which can see their effectiveness modified with vitamin C or the calcium contained in Berocca, as well as all the drugs containing the same vitamins or minerals as those present in Berocca®). A overdose of vitamins and minerals can have consequences on the body, that is why it is important to do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

What are the side effects of Berocca®?

There are no particular adverse effects with Berocca®, except a laxative effect in case of excessive consumption, nausea and vomiting as well as headaches. Of the adverse effects on kidney function can occur in case of renal pathology. There is a risk of mild to severe allergic reactions related to the presence of vitamin B1 in Berocca® boost and Berocca® energy (rashes, hives, swelling, cardiac and respiratory distress). Allura red food coloring (contained in Berocca® Energy Blackcurrant Flavor) may have effects on children’s attention and activity. Berocca®, due to the presence of biotin (vitamin B6) and vitamin C, can sometimes falsify laboratory tests. Vitamin B2 can color the urine yellow, without clinical consequences.

What are the contraindications of Berocca®?

The Berocca® is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to any of the product’s constituents and is not suitable for people with kidney problems. It is not also not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, in people under medical supervision, in people with pathology related to phenylalanine such as phenylketonuria (certain effervescent tablets containing aspartame, a source of phenylalanine) or even those presenting bone fragility (concerns Berocca® flash immunity which contains iron). Berocca® boost is contraindicated in case of concomitant treatment with ephedrine or other stimulants. The maximum dose of caffeine is 400 mg/d (200 mg/d for pregnant or breastfeeding women).

Should I take Berocca® more in the morning or in the evening?

The Berocca® is taken preferentially in the morning due to the presence of vitamin C and, for some products, the presence of caffeine and guarana (Berocca® boost). It is advisable to take it before 4 p.m.although taking it in the morning is still recommended.
