Basic exercise movements for those who want to do sports at home – How to do sports at home?

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In addition to general health and fitness, doing a home exercise program also helps to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, speed up metabolism and accelerate the weight loss process. There are many types of exercises to do sports at home. These include cardio exercises, bodyweight exercises, exercises with resistance bands, and weight training. The ideal exercises to do at home are holistic exercises that work all the muscle groups of your body. For example, exercises such as squats, planks, push-ups, lunges and crunch work many muscle groups at once.

What should be considered in order to prepare a home fitness program?

In order to prepare a bodybuilding program at home, it is important to first determine your fitness goals. You should prepare your program in line with your goals such as muscle strength, cardio fitness, flexibility or weight loss. Research what exercises you need to do to reach these goals and incorporate these exercises into your program. While preparing your program, take care to make a plan that includes various exercises. Instead of focusing on just one type of exercise, include exercises that work different muscle groups and are suitable for different fitness levels. Also, be flexible about the timing of your workouts. For example, instead of training on certain days of the week, create a program where you can do different exercises on different days.

Consider your equipment needs as well. You can have basic equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells or resistance bands. If you don’t have access to equipment, you can also do exercises without equipment. Finally, customize your program. It’s important to make a program that fits your own fitness level and goals. After you create your schedule, track your progress and review your schedule regularly.

What are the best home gym programs?

Here are some apps to help bodybuilding at home for both Android and iOS operating systems:

  • Nike Training Club: Helps users create a training plan that suits them. Users can choose from the exercises included in the app or follow the training programs recommended by a trainer.
  • JEFIT: The app provides users with thousands of exercise options and provides a detailed explanation and video tutorial for each exercise. It also allows users to create a custom training program and schedule workouts in sessions.
  • StrongLifts 5×5: The app offers many features such as training plan, strengthening exercises, nutrition recommendations and progress tracking.
  • Bodyweight Fitness: The app focuses on bodyweight exercises. It offers users a set of exercises that can be done at home.
  • Home Workout: The app provides users with the opportunity to train by providing exercises that do not require any equipment or weights. It is for muscle strengthening and fat burning purposes by working the whole body.

What are the equipment for doing sports at home?

You don’t necessarily need all these equipment to do sports at home. Exercising with body weight is one of the most practical and effective ways to do sports at home and can be done without the need for additional equipment. However, using sports equipment at home will help make your job easier. Equipment you can use for home sports program:

  • Yoga mat: Provides a comfortable and hygienic surface when performing yoga, pilates or other stretching exercises on the floor.
  • Dumbbells: Used to work the arms, shoulders, back and chest muscles.
  • Exercise band: Can be used to work wider or more specific muscles. It can be found in different resistance levels.
  • Exercise ball: It is useful for abdominal muscles and balance exercises.
  • Exercise bike: Cycling at home can be an ideal option for cardio exercise.
  • Pull-up bar: It is used to work the arms, back and chest muscles.
  • Barbell set: A barbell set of different weights is used to work various parts of the body.

Basic home exercises suggestions

Basic exercise programs that can be done at home and home gym training suggestions:

  • Cardio exercises: Cardio exercises can help improve your heart health and burn fat. Among the cardio exercises you can do at home, there are many options such as treadmill, cycling, jumping rope, running, stepper, aerobics, zumba and dance.
  • Bodyweight exercises: One of the best exercises you can do at home is bodyweight training. These exercises can help strengthen your muscles, increase your flexibility, and improve your endurance. Squat, plank, lunges, push-up, crunch, bridge, and burpee.
  • Dumbbell exercises: Dumbbells are an ideal option for working the arm, back, chest and leg muscles. Dumbbell exercises can be easily done at home and target different parts of your body. Like bicep curls, tricep extensions, shoulder presses, lunges, and goblet squats.
  • Pilates exercises: Pilates is a type of exercise that helps improve your strength, flexibility, balance and posture. Pilates exercises you can do at home; such as spine stretch, roll-up, single leg circles, and leg pull front.
  • Yoga: Yoga helps improve your physical and mental health. Yoga includes stretching, strength and balance work. Yoga exercises you can do at home; downward dog, warrior pose, tree pose, and sun salutation.

Basic exercises that can be done at home:

  • Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees and push your hips back, keeping your torso straight. As you stand up, squeeze your hips and return to the starting position.
  • Plank: Place your arms at shoulder level, push your feet back and tighten your abs, keeping your body in a straight line. Hold in this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • lunges: With your feet shoulder-width apart, step your left leg forward and bend your left knee. Stand on the right foot with your knee parallel to the right floor and then return to the starting position. Then repeat the same process with your right leg.
  • Push-ups: Lie flat on the floor, place your hands shoulder-width apart and open your arms straight. Bend your arms so that your chest is close to the floor, then stand up again.
  • Crunch: Lie on your back, bend your knees and plant your feet on the floor. Put your hands near your ears and tighten your stomach by pressing your back against the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • Mountain Climbers: Start in the plank position, pull your right knee towards your chest, then return to the starting position. Repeat the same process with your left knee and alternate constantly.
  • Jumping Jack: Bring your feet together and lower your arms to your sides. Jump with your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your arms above your head. Return to the starting position again.
  • Burpee: Squat with your feet shoulder-width apart and your palms on the floor. Push your feet back and get into the plank position. Again, pull your feet back into the squat position, then jump up and raise your arms above your head. Return to the starting position again.
