Awakening: Swedish Easter riots shocked Evacuation of the Mariupol steel plant planned

Awakening Swedish Easter riots shocked Evacuation of the Mariupol steel

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

Terttu Kaikkonen experienced the riots in Norrköping and was shocked

In Sweden, riots took place in several cities on Easter. Rebels with an immigrant background opposed the provocation of an extreme right-wing politician burning the Koran, a holy book for Muslims. Terttu Kaikkonen saw a riot in front of his home on Maundy Thursday and was shocked to see the mothers and children involved in the riots. Prosecutor of Linköping Eva Nemec Nordh wondered the same thing – and hated the police who had rioted the riots.

UN Secretary-General: Planned evacuation of civilians from Mariupol steel plant

Efforts to get civilians evacuated from the Azovstal factory site in Mariupol continue, says UN secretary-general António Guterres. According to various estimates, the plant is trapped by hundreds of civilians and Ukrainian soldiers, many of whom have been injured. According to Guterres, the evacuation of the civilian factory was scheduled to begin on Friday, but due to difficult conditions, the evacuation could not be initiated.

HS survey: Support for NATO membership rises to 65%

Support for NATO membership has risen to record highs Helsingin Sanomat (you switch to another service) in a recent survey. 65 per cent of those who responded to the survey support Finland’s accession to NATO. 13% of respondents oppose Finnish membership. More than a fifth of the respondents could not express their opinion. About two weeks ago, 59 percent of those who responded to the HS poll supported joining NATO.

Online health tests can be used to diagnose diseases

Health tests sold by pharmacies and online stores could be used more to diagnose and monitor diseases. According to Fimea, which monitors the safety of medicines, the results of some of the tests are indicative and others are very reliable.

Rainfall is becoming more common

The rainy area moves over the southern and central parts of Finland, and the rains come as water, sleet and snow. Snowfall is also possible in the north, but the weather is mainly rainy. The temperature is below the current average readings.
