Awakening: Helsinki Pride culminates today | Residents of Chernihiv tell how the bombing feels

Awakening Helsinki Pride culminates today Residents of Chernihiv tell

We tell the news and topics of the day quickly.

The Helsinki Pride march will take place after the corona break

Chairman of the Helsinki Pride organization Panu Mäenpää already at a young age began to channel his feeling of being an outsider into activism. Mäenpää thinks that members of gender or sexual minorities form a community where there is, as it were, a shared experience of feeling outside. Pride week is celebrated in Helsinki today with a march organized on Saturday. follows the march on Teema, Areena and on its website.

This is how the Ukrainian men who are not fighting at the front feel

Sadness, anger, shame, or guilt may well up in the mind of a loved one who is mentally ill

The night of the city is full of life, even though most people are sleeping

The heat continues widely

Thunderstorms will spread to the west on Saturday and also to Lapland later in the afternoon. In the rest of the country, the dusty and in many places sunny weather continues. The temperature rises widely to over 30 degrees and the heat can feel very oppressive.
