Author: earthpressnews
The benefits of beets are endless! It strengthens immunity, even helps to lose weight
Pickles, turnips, soup, salad, food… Beetroot, appealing to our eyes with its vibrant red color and to our health with its many benefits, is almost a source of healing! Its…
Apple delays digital ID cards update
The company first announced this feature at WWDC 2021. At the time, the company said it would let you add your car’s driver’s license or ID card to AppleWallet, just…
War of the Buttons in the Cour de Récré
In our dear and tender Cour de Récré, things have been very agitated lately, especially in the VIP Square, this part of the Cour de Récré which is a geographical…
massive mobilization to help Kevin Strickland, exonerated after 43 years in prison
In the United States, Kevin Strickland was exonerated and released from prison Tuesday, November 24 after having spent 43 years of his life there. But the Missouri justice system, which…
Gravitational waves would have made the Big Bang space-time turbulent
Space-time is not a material medium, yet its dynamics resemble that of fluids. Like them, it could have become turbulent, especially at the time of the Big Bang, when it…
The Xiaomi 1S electric scooter is at a discounted price on the occasion of Black Friday (-135 €)
The electric scooter is attracting more and more city dwellers, this mode of transport is booming in France. Travel is faster and more pleasant, fatigue is avoided in public transport.…
Negotiations begin in Vienna to avoid collapse of Iran nuclear deal
Talks to prevent the collapse of the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear activities begin today in Vienna, Austria. The parties will negotiate on the possibility of returning the 2015 agreement.…
“Medicine cannot greatly reduce the use of antibiotics”
In France, the health agency Anses has just announced that the use of antibiotics in human and animal medicine had decreased in ten years by 45% for animals, against 18%…
Non fungible token: what is it?
“Non fungible tokens” (NFT), which could be translated as “non fungible tokens”, are cryptographic and virtual elements on the blockchain with some codes unique identification and metadata (author, signature, date,…
Ecology, a major theme in science fiction
Two weeks after the end of the COP26 in Glasgow, held under the threat of a global temperature increase of 2.7 ° C by 2100, novels, films and video games…