Author: earthpressnews
Homophobia and transphobia: a campaign brings together celebrities to fight against discrimination
News Posted on 06/28/2021 2 min read The Ministry of Equality between Women and Men, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, in partnership with TF1, has launched a campaign to combat discrimination…
Women do not have the same sports practices as men
News Posted on 03/10/2021 3 min read Fewer competitions, more solo practice and more gym or fitness: women are less likely than men to be registered in a sports club,…
Back to school and COVID-19: “We must stop scaring ourselves”
News Posted on 09/02/2021 2 min read Agathe Thine Journalist – Head of Pregnancy, Baby, Family, Alternative Medicine sections Thursday, September 2 is the start of the new school year…
The 9 best foods to fight pollen allergy
[DIAPORAMA] For the past few days, birch pollens have been out! What if, this year, you decided to take control of your seasonal allergy by changing the contents of your…
introduction to rowing with the Olympic athlete Franck-Aimé Kouadio for the benefit of NGOs
As part of the “Movember”, renamed M’Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire – a month of mobilization aimed at raising funds and donating them to charitable organizations – the Ivorian Olympic athlete…
What is the Calling Problem on iPhone 12 and 13 Models? How Can I Solve?
Apple, one of the most popular smartphone brands of today, periodically offers iOS updates to its users. With iOS updates, many new features are coming and some problems are fixed.…
Why France wants to ban Netflix and Amazon Prime buttons on remotes
With sales of connected televisions on the rise, more and more French people are abandoning traditional channels to watch television on demand. For the Cultural Affairs Committee of the National…
Share clipboard between Windows and Android
In all discretion, Microsoft is making available a very practical daily function for Windows and Android users: the synchronization of the contents of the clipboard between PC and smartphone. Manual.…
REDMI NOTE 11. Xiaomi has just presented three new 5G smartphones, the Redmi Note 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro +. Models with attractive design and characteristics, which will be marketed at very reasonable prices.
REDMI NOTE 11. Xiaomi has just presented three new 5G smartphones, the Redmi Note 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro +. Models with attractive design and characteristics, which will be…
INSTAGRAM IDENTITY CONTROL. To fight against false profiles, the social network will ask new registrants to send a video selfie that will allow, via artificial intelligence, to verify that they are indeed human.
INSTAGRAM IDENTITY CHECK. To fight against false profiles, the social network will ask new registrants to send a video selfie which will allow, via artificial intelligence, to verify that they…