Atlantica Digital successfully closes “2Vita-B” project experimentation

Atlantica Digital successfully closes 2Vita B project

(Finance) – Atlantica Digitala technology company that designs and creates highly innovative software solutions using the most advanced technologies, announced the positive conclusion of the experimentation of the “2Vita-B” projecta tool that uses AI and other cutting-edge technologies for physical and cognitive rehabilitation of veterans suffering from “PTSD” (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) and in general of people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases.

2Vita-B is an advanced software which, through wearable devices for the acquisition of vital parameters (Wearable) and a portable movement tracking system, can be used daily for cognitive and physical rehabilitation activities, carried out even in the absence of the therapist. The system is equipped with an Artificial Intelligence system for decision support for the therapist, able to analyze all the data collected and extract information relating to the correct execution of the exercises and/or the possible need to update the proposed treatment models or revisit the general therapeutic plan.

The project, promoted and successfully implemented, after 3 years of work, by Atlantica Digital and co-financed by the Ministry of Defense within the PNRM (National Military Research Plan), represents a virtuous example of collaboration between different bodies and institutions which: “La Sapienza” University of Rome, University of Molisethe Territorial Technical Office for Naval Construction and Armaments (UTNAV) of Ministry of Defence who carried out the tests and the Defense Veterans Center (CVD), scientific consultant of the project, who allowed the use of the Motion Tracking Laboratory for the experiments. Atlantica Digital used its management for the coordination of the project, the Architecture team for the technical and management direction and the Software Factory for the software creation.
