Assosistema Confindustria: innovative solutions for more sustainable healthcare presented at Ecomondo

The incidence of public spending on healthcare on GDP is

(Finance) – Make the More sustainable NHS from an environmental point of view through innovative solutions and products that also allow the cost of disposal to be reduced for the community. This is the objective of the conference: “The operating room and the green hospital. An experience of environmental sustainability” which Assosistema Confindustriaan association that represents, among others, the healthcare service and supply industries, organized today at Ecomondo, at the Rimini Fair”.

Important representatives from the world of institutions, public buyers and economic operators attended the conference as speakers to discuss how to make public purchases in healthcare less impactful from an environmental point of view. Among the public buyers, the interventions aimed at illustrating were significant how it is appropriate to change the purchasing model in healthcare. Furthermore, where possible, the operating room also becomes an important theater for environmental efficiency; the technology of new reusable fabrics allows, in fact, to technically respond to the highest performances.

“Like every year we participate in Ecomondo to take stock of the environmental innovations that impact our sector and this year we brought healthcare, one of our main drivers of work for our companies, into the public and private debate. Talking about sustainability environmental protection in public purchasing is not a given, it is true that there is CAM but it is not enough on its own, we need a collective conscience that orients the choices of public buyers on the issue of how much their choice of disposable and the relative cost of incineration”, commented the President of Assosistema Confindustria Egidio Paoletti.

Matteo Nevi, General Director of Assosistema Confindustriahe added “It is therefore necessary to continue to ask public buyers for an environmental commitment because the cost of their choices falls on all citizens twice, both as users of the NHS and as disposal costs. In Italy we have a package of standards and experiences in environmental matters which allows us today to be able to guide the ecological transition also at a European level, we no longer have any alibis other than to make the most of what we have available right away. What we are finally asking of public buyers is to economically enhance the environmental component in tender notices, it is unthinkable that environmental sustainability is at zero cost, if we want purchases to be green we need tenders that are not built on the maximum discount or on the valorization of discounts”.

(Photo: © Vittaya Sinlapasart/ 123RF)
