As effective as antibiotics against infections! Benefits of moldy cheese surprise those who hear

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Moldy cheese, obtained by molding cheese, provides great health benefits when it is produced in a hygienic way and under appropriate conditions. Moldy cheese, which is known to be especially good for infections and has an antibiotic effect, also strengthens the intestinal flora.


Moldy cheese, which is a great support for the prevention of diseases such as osteoporosis and rheumatism, is also rich in calcium and therefore helps bone development.

Moldy cheese, which prevents the bones from breaking and cracking, increases the body’s resistance with the minerals and vitamins it contains, and is also good for dental health because it contains high levels of calcium.

This food, which strengthens the flora in the intestines, creates resistance against all diseases.


Moldy cheeses can be as harmful as benefits in some cases. In fact, moldy cheese, which has many benefits, has some disadvantages if it is not prepared carefully and under appropriate conditions.

It is absolutely necessary to be hygienic during the production of moldy cheese. Moldy cheeses produced under unhealthy conditions have carcinogenic properties.

Especially cheeses with a mold color other than green should not be consumed. There is no harmful aflatoxin substance in green moldy cheeses. The reason why moldy cheese is harmful is that it comes into contact with other harmful molds during molding. The harmful molds of moldy cheeses that are prepared under bad conditions or kept waiting during preparation begin to appear.

Although it is produced to be healthy for the body, harmful ones should definitely be avoided. It is a cheese that should be paid attention to the conditions of its making. It therefore requires a high level of hygiene. When choosing cheese with mold, it is necessary to choose the ones with green mold. Cheese with black, red or white mold should be avoided. Another point to be considered is not to consume moldy varieties of camembert, brie, cottage, cream and ricotto cheeses. Moldy ones of these cheeses are not consumed.
