Artificial intelligence is turning consumers into cyborgs, says author Geoffrey Moore – and explains why there’s no need to worry | Foreign countries

Artificial intelligence is turning consumers into cyborgs says author Geoffrey

LAS VEGAS – Artificial intelligence can be used to create cyborgs out of consumers, bangs Geoffrey Moore in his speech at the CES technology fair.

Fortunately, he does not mean that artificial intelligence will learn from us without noticing automatic shopping machines, although that is also possible. With cyborg, Moore refers to the fact that as a combination of man and machine, that is, with the help of artificial intelligence, we can make more rational purchases.

– The amount of information offered by artificial intelligence no longer needs to be searched from different sources on the internet, instead artificial intelligence gathers all the necessary information together, for example about a new car, explains Moore in an interview with .

Geoffrey Moore is an author, speaker and technology business advisor, whose name is known in the United States by economists and taxi drivers alike.

Moore has almost 650,000 followers online community service on Linkedin, and his clients include Microsoft and Google. Moore is a literature professor who later moved into marketing. His first book, Crossing the Chasm, dealt with the development of start-up companies. It has been bought over a million copies.

A crisis of unreliability

Moore thinks a lot about the struggle between good and evil in everyday life, whether it’s about humans or artificial intelligence.

– Companies that serve consumers have a great responsibility. If artificial intelligence is misused, consumers will quickly realize that the system or service in question is not safe, and they will not use it, Moore tells .

An example is the former Twitter, now X, which is Elon Musk’s lost in ownership millions of users and the value of open community service has fallen 71 percent. Musk and X have been accused of spreading disinformation.

– To be honest, digital services are not very reliable at the moment, not to mention social media. We live in a crisis of unreliability. Dishonest actors are using artificial intelligence to exacerbate the crisis, but I believe that responsible parties will be able to reverse this trend.

Moore’s list: The 4 most interesting possibilities of artificial intelligence

1. Helping and guiding in purchasing decisions

2. Healthcare and other services

3. Teaching and training sector

4. Making life easier for the elderly in the digital world

Pisa results to a new rise with the help of artificial intelligence?

In his speech, Moore discussed the opportunities opened up by generative artificial intelligence, or ChatGPT, and other artificial intelligence programs that use broad language models in various fields. These AI models are designed to generate new text, audio, image or video content from existing files.

Generative artificial intelligence can be compared to electricity, as both can be used for many different purposes, such as heating, producing light and as a power source. In the same way, artificial intelligence can be applied to the needs of different fields with the help of the information of special experts.

In addition to helping and guiding consumers, Moore estimates that artificial intelligence will have the greatest impact on healthcare, other services and education. Moore, who taught literature at the university, considers artificial intelligence to be “teachers’ helper.”

– Class sizes have grown too large. One teacher can’t ensure that every student in a class of more than 30 learns the subject. He has to focus on the largest group, which usually consists of middle level students, leaving some to be overlooked.

– Generative artificial intelligence can be used to create virtual tutors who support weaker students and offer additional challenges to those who are more successful.

Moore says that the development is necessary, but thinks that the transition will take one generation. He laughs off fears about using artificial intelligence to cheat.

– Children want to learn, but artificial intelligence can be used as inspiration in the initial stages of problem solving. Of course, the student must not claim the contribution of artificial intelligence as his own and leave everything to the program. The teacher must also make it clear that he is interested in the student’s own thoughts, and not in artificial intelligence.

Watch a video from the CES technology fair, which was themed around artificial intelligence:

Development cannot be stopped

Moore has good news for those in the aging population who shy away from digital devices and services. Voice control connected to different devices makes working with technology easier.

– The keyboard is forgotten. You can even mumble a question to the artificial intelligence. If the answer is wrong, the person refines their question until they get the answer they want.

The author finds it amazing how much ChatGPT can learn when talking to the user.

– The more input or feedback it receives from the user, the better the artificial intelligence understands people.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warns that artificial intelligence will have an impact to 40 percent of jobs in the world. The founder of the Google Brain team researching deep learning, who spoke at the CES fair Andrew Ng believes that artificial intelligence will automate 20–30 percent of various work tasks.

– We have to learn to live with the fear we feel towards artificial intelligence. There is no other option, says Moore.

He says it’s about the same fear as with nuclear energy. In the hands of the wrong people, artificial intelligence is also a danger, because it is a powerful tool.

– Our ancestors survived sabre-toothed cats. Our saber-toothed cats may be artificial intelligence and social media, but I believe that humans will overcome this challenge as winners, Moore reassures.
