Are you aware of your pollen allergy? So you can relieve the symptoms

Are you aware of your pollen allergy So you can

With higher temperatures, sunshine and birdsong, many people have already started to feel their pollen allergy. It is a recurring feature in many people’s everyday lives during the spring and summer months.

In addition to fur allergy and nut allergy, pollen allergy is perhaps one of the most common. Each spring, more precisely, around three million Swedes suffer from symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, red itchy eyes and a nagging fatigue.

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Therefore, more people develop pollen allergies

Doctor Marcus Olausson believes that the number of allergy sufferers has increased significantly in the last 50 years.

– There are very many. Looking back, it didn’t look like this at all. We don’t know exactly why it looks like this, but we have some theories, he says TV4’s Nyhetsmorgon.

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Doctor Marcus Olausson in TV4’s “News morning”. Photo: Screenshot TV4/news morning

One of the theories is that the population lives so cleanly that the immune system cannot be trained.

Modern society has also meant that people are increasingly exposed to various chemicals, which triggers the immune system.

Olausson also believes that climate change has contributed to worse allergies.

– Climate change has been going on for a long time. This means that the pollen season is longer and there is a greater amount of pollen in the air.

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This is how you can alleviate the pollen allergy

In Nyhetsmorgon, Marcus Olausson takes the opportunity to list some tips for you who are allergic to pollen that relieve your allergy without medication.

  • Shower before going to bed.
  • Change your clothes if you have been outside in an environment where there is a lot of pollen.
  • Do not exercise outdoors when there is the most pollen.
  • Do you want to exercise outdoors? Be careful when it rains and is humid, then there is less pollen in the air.
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    For many, the pollen season has already started. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT
