Apex Legends: what time to discover season 12?

Apex Legends what time to discover season 12

Apex Legends enters the twelfth era of its existence. Season 12, Dissidence, arrives this Tuesday on the popular Battle Royale, bringing with it many new features. Release time, content, we explain everything to you.

[Mis à jour le 08 février 2022 à 13h18] A small spark and it’s a revolution. For Respawn Entertainment, the revolution is this Tuesday, with the arrival of the Dissidence season in the universe of Apex Legends. The Battle Royale with 100 million players is once again entering a new era with this twelfth season, which will be an opportunity to discover a new legend, a new game mode and many other new features. On the occasion of the release of Dissidence, we have gathered all the information you need to make it easier for you to land in your first games. And expect many changes this Tuesday.

Dissent starts on February 8 next between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.. A twelfth season that players and professionals are waiting for in this service game which regularly reaches 13 million players per week, players attracted by its unique style and its particularly demanding gunplay. This twelfth season will be marked by the explosiveness of its novelties, whether it’s the skills of its new legend Mad Maggie, or that of its new game mode: Control. It is in this last game mode that a lot of hopes are placed, it allows to revisit the essential gameplay of Apex Legends and could attract many other players.

new legend

A newcomer will enter the bloody games of Apex Legends, a newcomer who is none other than Mad Maggie. Mad Maggie is a legend mixing mobility and pure and hard combat. Her skills break down as usual into a tactical, an ultimate, and a passive that allows her to run a bit faster with a shotgun in hand and most importantly briefly highlight enemies she hits. His tactical skill allows him to throw a grenade that sticks to the outside of a surface before burning the inside and his ultimate is to throw explosive balls that rush at enemies leaving increasing marks on the ground. the movement speed of Mad Maggie and her allies. A kit as complex as it is devilishly strong, if you ask us.

New game mode: Control

Players have been calling for it for a while now, Respawn has heard their call. Dissent brings with it a new game mode, Control, which profoundly changes the gameplay experience of Apex Legends. It is a “Conquest” style team deathmatch, where teams of nine players compete in order to capture three strategic points, the goal being to reach a specific number of points, increasing with the number of points owned by your team. If you get killed, you can revive indefinitely. An excellent opportunity to work on your movement and your “aim” in less punitive conditions than those of the Battle Royale and the Arena.

New map

If season 11 introduced us to Zone d’Orage, the latest Battle Royale map, Dissidence sees things a little less big by focusing on Olympus. The popular third map ever released in the game sees itself completely turned upside down by the events following the arrival of Mad Maggie in the Apex games, with structures teleported randomly all over the map. A breath of fresh air after a second part of season 11 confined to Bord du Monde and Zone d’Orage.



Drone Sight HUD and other quality of life updates:

  • Added ring, round timer, minimap, kills, team status, and drone HUD signal info.
  • The old presentation of Crypto’s health/shield info in the drone’s HUD has been replaced with the health of the drone itself.
  • Survey beacon markers now display in the environment when piloting the drone (similar to when controlling Crypto).

Changes to neurolian :

  • Increased the detection range of the neurolink from 160 to 240 degrees.
  • Neurolink detection is now disabled while recalling the drone.

Changes to surveillance drone :

  • The deployment of the drone has been reviewed:

Pressing the tactical ability button launches Crypto’s drone in a straight line in the direction of Crypto’s gaze for a few seconds.

If it hits a wall (or other surface), the drone will reorient itself away from it.

Crypto no longer immediately accesses the drone view after deploying his drone this way.

Pressing and holding the tactical ability key throws the drone straight ahead the same way, but Crypto then immediately accesses the drone’s view.

  • Reduced drone health from 60 to 50.
  • Drone HUD marker changed to improve visibility.
  • The drone’s HUD marker now displays while the drone is deployed (not just when the drone leaves the screen).


The Nox gas traps are now destructible after detonation.

  • 150 HP
  • After detonation, traps expire after 11s (instead of 12.5s).
  • The effects of the gas persist for two seconds after the canister is destroyed or expires (the gas particles remain a little longer, while they dissipate).


Supply Rotation

This season, the Alternator submachine gun returns to floor loot, and the powerful mid-range Volt energy submachine gun takes its place.


  • Removed hop-up disintegrator rounds.

Volt Submachine Gun

  • Damage increased from 15 to 17.
  • Purple magazine size increased from 28 to 30.

Hop-up accessories

Kinetic Flow – Triple Rifle and Peacekeeper

Perform a slide with the Triple Rifle or the Peacekeeper to optimize the choke and reload automatically.

Hammerpoint ammunition – P2020, Mozambique and RE-45

+50% damage without shield

+35% damage without shield

+35% damage without shield

Scatter Tips – 30-30 Repeater and Bocek Bow

  • Passively affects hip fire of both weapons.

Precision shots always on sight.

  • No longer possible to activate/deactivate.
  • Reduced damage per pellet from 30-30 from 8 to 7.
  • Reduced Bow damage per pellet from 12 to 11.

triple shotgun

  • Removed projectile growth from bullets.
  • Reduced damage per bullet from 23 to 21.

VK-47 Flatline

  • Reduced damage per bullet from 19 to 18.

Rampage Machine Gun (Hotfix)

  • Reduced damage from 28 to 26.
  • Reduced number of shots while in fully charged state from ~40 to ~34.

Fully Equipped Weapon Rotation

  • Added: RE-45, Triple Rifle, Peacekeeper, Prowler, Havoc
  • Withdrawals: Mastiff, Repeater 30-30, R-301, CAR, Longbow

Weapons in creation

  • The VK-47 Flatline and Longbow-DMR can now be crafted for 30 raw materials at any spawn point.
  • Weapons in creation cannot be found on the ground.
  • Weapons created include two ammo boxes but no attachments.

It was requested as soon as the game was released in 2019, crossplay was finally implemented on Apex Legends in October 2020, and has since been active by default on all platforms. It does not affect your solo games, but defines the type of players you encounter when playing in squads with your friends. If you are all on the same platform, the players in front of you should mostly use the same console. If you are on different consoles, your lobbies will be populated by a mix of players from different platforms. Console players can optionally disable crossplay in game options.
