ANSES calls for the restriction of octocrylene, a chemical filter very present in sunscreens

ANSES calls for the restriction of octocrylene a chemical filter

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    Due to its effects on the environment and possibly carcinogenic, octocrylene, a substance very present in many cosmetic products, including sunscreens, is the subject of a restriction request from Anses. Request sent to the government last May.

    Are we moving towards a ban on octocrylene in cosmetic products and in particular in sun creams? In any case, this is the meaning of the request made by the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety, according to our colleagues from France Info.

    A request made to the French government

    It is therefore a request that was transmitted by ANSES to the French government on May 26, with the aim that it be transmitted to Brussels, which will have the last word on whether or not to ban the substance. Indeed, octocrylene, a chemical UV filter is present in many beauty products, including sunscreens.

    The latter has a significant impact on the environment and contributes to the destruction of marine life and corals. Moreover, it would not be completely harmless for humans too, because a team of Franco-American researchers had also demonstrated two years ago that this sunscreen transforms into benzophenone once the tube is opened, which is an endocrine disruptor. possibly carcinogenic.

    A file pending at the Ministry of Ecological Transition

    If ANSES continues its investigations on the substance, it is also faced with “an unprecedented blocking situation”, still according to France Info. Our colleagues indeed report having contacted the Ministry of Ecological Transition and in particular Christophe Béchu, who says to himself “in favor of carrying out an analysis of the options“to eliminate the risks presented by the substance.”The ban, supported by France, will be one of the options studied in this context. would have announced the minister. To be continued.
